Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Curries River Dam 15/9/2013

Trev and I made the last minute decision to head down to Curries River Dam for a fish and to try out the new yep rainbow trout hard lure. We arrived at 3.00 pm and fished for a couple of hours. The new lure colour didn't let us down it took no time to get the first fish in the boat. This fishery will get a fair flogging from us this season as it never lets us down and has strong hard fighting fish. We also saw one take a dunn.
Dale & Trev

Longford Fishing Club Kids Dam 14/9/2013

Sponsored by and Petuna Aquaculture
The weather was perfect and with the dam receiving a fresh stocking of 3kg Atlantics a few days before, there was much interest in our first kids dam outing. Almost 30 children fished at various times throughout the day, with the 9am start having 25 children and their families lining the shore. It made for quite a spectacle with the Mums, Dads & Kids rushing to get the lines in when the call was made to start fishing and it wasn't long until the fish were hitting the bank. Big smiles on the kids" faces is what it's all about.

Lake Leake Fishing Report September 2013

By Samuel Evans
With winter finally behind us, spring has arrived, along with the swallows.
Insects are hatching and the trout are on the move. Spring has brought warmer weather with water temperature increasing a couple of degrees, making the trout a bit more active.
There have been a few rough wild and windy days, at the lake, most fishermen have been accessing the lake from the boat ramp around at Lake Leake, then taking to the shelted parts of the lake by boat, but for us and our 4hp motor we wouldn’t have got out of Kalangadoo Bay, the wind would have pushed us back up onto the boat ramp, so we waited for calmer, safer days, which has given us some awesome catches from our boat, along with fishing from the shore.

Maria Island, Riedel Bay Report


We went around the back of Maria Island on the 17th of August , I was with Paul (my boyfriend), Gretel (my daughter) and Esta (our dog). My dad had been round there the weekend before and did okay, so we thought we'd try it out. We hadn't been on a fishing trip on the new boat (a 35 Caribbean) so seemed a great place to go on such a beautiful day. We were using soft plastics, although I'm not sure which ones.

Click Read More for Pics

RISE - Fly Fishing Film Festival 2013

Not Long Now. - In its 8th year, RISE is on a quest to explore the diverse world of fly fishing, to connect anglers through shared experience, and to create public awareness of fly fishing's new vibrant emergence. The festival allows the fishing community to share their passion for the sport by attending film screenings across the country. It's the biggest kick-off to the fishing season there is!

Lake Leake 2/9/2013

An early afternoon phone call and a bit of enthusiasm was all that was needed...Mike Stevens arrived at my place around 1.30pm and soon we were on our way to Lake Leake with his newly renovated Purdon Dingy in tow. We weren’t on the water long when we had couple of nice fish onboard to christen it, finished with 4 trout (2 rainbows, 2 browns) along with one massive perch.

 Lake Leake 2/9/2013

I was going to head up to Cramps Bay today, but with a forecast of 25 knot nw winds up there, I decided to have another crack at Lake Leake with George Papp instead. We arrived around 11.30am and had our bags by 3pm.
Fished up the Snowy again and caught fish on Yep golden seducer, red nut and Black & Gold T.Tails.
Gusty nw wind and with sunny periods,fish again in good condition with the best being around the 5lb mark.

Meander River report 29-8-13

Thought I would head off to the Meander River and a nearby creek this morning to see how high they were running in the hope of may be having a wade for a change. I have enjoyed several stints of bait fishing, but deep down now where near as good as being in a river chasing trout.

Lake Dulverton 21/8/2013

My son, Alex & I took a slow trip to Launceston (for my niece's 21st celebration) on Saturday (17th Aug)  with intent to fish Brumby's Creek out of Cressy but stopped by Oatlands at Lake Dulverton. Its level was down but should fill up perhaps after the northern weekend rain.

Lake Leake 24/8/2013

I decided to have a look at Lake Leake today with the Mad Hungarian George Papp. We arrived around 11am to a full lake, headed up towards the snowy and started drifting across the bay in 1.5mts of water. We were casting Dales Yep lures about as well as the gold and black t.tails.
We mainly stuck to fishing this area and caught the majority of fish here.

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