Christopher Bassano
Fishing guide Christopher Bassano explores his favourite fishing-and shares a few tips that will help you discover the world of trout near the sea.
Presented from Issue 104, June 2013
Swansea can quite rightly lay claim to be the Bream fishing capital of Tasmania. The nearby Swan River literally teems with Southern Black Bream, a renowned species that is valued highly, especially in recent years, for its sports fishing attributes.
But as the knowledgeable angler knows there is far more to attract the visiting fisherman to the seaside town than just Bream. The waters of Great Oyster Bay hold many, many species of fish. The more common species encountered in the bay are Sand and Tiger Flathead, Sand Whiting, Australian Salmon, Barracouta, Arrow and Calamari Squid, Gummy and School Shark, Jackass Morwong and plenty of Wrasse. Further out in the waters around Schouten Island and beyond pelagics, including Albacore, Striped, Southern Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna are possibilities. Mako Shark are also quite common offshore for those wishing to target them. Deep sea fishers will be able to locate stocks of Striped Trumpeter, Blue Eye Trevalla and Gemfish with a little research.
Read more: Swansea - Fun, variety and a good feed - Peter Broomhall
Presented from Issue 99
For most East Coast anglers the thought of chasing a few trout usually conjures up images of an extended trip to the central highlands, hours of driving, cool temperatures and long hours on the water to make the most of the trip.
However there is some great trout fishing options a lot closer to home than many would think with more than enough variety to satisfy even the most discerning of trout anglers.
With a good mix of river, lake and dam fishing there is something for everyone.
If heading to the rivers my early season recommendations would be definitely some upstream worm fishing in the faster water and small Wattyl Grubs and worms in the slower pools for those wishing to bait fish. A big bunch of scrub worms thread onto a #6 bronze bait holder hook and lobbed unweighted upstream into the tail of runs and eddies is a dynamite technique. If there has been some seasonal rain and the river has broken its banks then its prime time for the worm fisherman, take advantage of the water rising into normally dry drains and into paddocks as the Trout follow and gorge themselves on drowned insects and worms.
The weather has finally given me the motivation to go for a fish; Trev was pretty keen to give the bream a go as well, so we headed off to the Swan River to give them a go. We arrived there around 11.30 this morning to a slight breeze and soon had the boat on the water.
We went around the back of Maria Island on the 17th of August , I was with Paul (my boyfriend), Gretel (my daughter) and Esta (our dog). My dad had been round there the weekend before and did okay, so we thought we'd try it out. We hadn't been on a fishing trip on the new boat (a 35 Caribbean) so seemed a great place to go on such a beautiful day. We were using soft plastics, although I'm not sure which ones.
Click Read More for Pics
We went to Fortesque Bay on Saturday afternoon . I went with Shippy and my Brother in law Andrew . We left at 3pm got there about 6.30 put the tent up in the rain and went to bed it rained all night up about 6.30am had some brekkie on the water around 7.30 . We headed for Tasman didn't have a touch till we got to Tasman then a rod went off . I grabbed the rod but I dropped him big time had a bird nestline everywhere got it all straightened out put an other lure on and we done another lap.
Not every kid gets the chance to go out to the Continental Shelf off Bicheno, but luckily enough my brother and I had the opportunity to. Mick, our next door neighbour invited us out for a day trip tuna fishing out at the Continental shelf. We would be taken out in his 5.2m Shark Cat.
Decided to take Jacob and "Penny the wonder dog” up to the Scamander River for a couple of hours today.
This spot wouldn’t have been my first choice, but we were limited as to where we could go thanks to the strong state-wide winds.
Saturday 23rd March – 10am – 11pm . Entry to Seafest is free and there’s plenty to see and do for every member of the family. Food and Wine – Live Music – Market Stalls – Entertainment – Fishing Competition – Jet Ski Race & Rides – Beach Games – Face Painting – Balloon Twister – Coastal & Marine Displays – Model Boats – Jumping Castle – Kayaking – Sailing & more…
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
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Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Scott McDonald
The first Atlantic salmon eggs used to begin Tasmania's Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry were introduced into Tasmania in 1984. From these humble beginnings a valuable Tasmanian industry has evolved with a worldwide reputation for having a premium disease free product. This industry provides a spin off to all anglers in the form of regular escapes of salmon from the farms.