by Sarah Graham
Many anglers are preparing for the opening of the new angling season on Saturday 7 August and it's shaping up to be another good one with the fishery in excellent health as a result of last year’s drought breaking rains. There are many great fishing locations around the State from which to choose for the opening weekend and early season fishing but here are a few suggestions.
Presented from Issue 117, August 2015
The editor Mike Stevens has asked me to write a short article about an underutilised fishery that we has recently become more accessible.
Opening out onto the waters of Bass Strait, the Weymouth area has long been acknowledged by those in the know (the locals) as one that produces quality recreational angling opportunities.
Up until recently and given the unpredictability of the predominate NW winds many avoided launching from here. The main obstacle was the substandard boat ramp and this troublesome facility often resulted in damage to expensive boats when launching or retrieving. Weymouth ramp upgrade
Thanks to a recent MAST upgrade the Trevor Street launching facilities are a huge improvement. Finished in early April 2015, these issues have to a large degree been addressed and this area now offers much safer accessibility for those who wish enjoy a day with family or mates.
Read more: Weymouth wows - A new boat ramp opens up a great bread and butter fishery - Todd Lambert
Presented from Issue 112, October 2014
Burnie, the unofficial capital of the north-west coast, through the depths of Winter, can be dark and dreary. However it is still exceptionally productive on the angling front. While snow capped St. Valentines Peak and its surroundings, rain and wind pounded the coast for the majority of the cooler months. Surprisingly however, the fishing, particularly in the coastal rivers, has been encouraging. Now, as spring launches into effect and the conditions around us begin to warm, the fishing will only improve even more, preparing us recreational anglers for a very productive summer.
At the beginning of the cold snap that buried the highest reaches of the state in snow, after climbing a mountain or two, I decided to start hitting the local rivers mouths, creeks and other coastal haunts such as my childhood favourite Red Rock in Cooee and the Emu River, Fern Glade in particular. Targeting trout mostly, due to the opening of the season, I really found it difficult to get my first fish on the board!
On Sunday 22 February 2015, Rotary is conducting a spectacular boat show at the TS Mersey Navy Cadet grounds, River Road, East Devonport between 11am and 5.30 pm, with entry via the Rowing Club drive. This has been organised to suit high water in the river to allow demonstration of the new Barcrusher and Stabicraft range of vessels PLUS allowing launch for the first time on the coast a ten-seater hovercraft for joy rides.
WYNYARD angler Damien Purton has been sharing some of the North-West's best fish. Read at The Advocate
Great day fishing on the water off Burnie Sunday 21 September - Anthony Taylor, Anthony Wolfe from Coastal Marine and the boys! More fish were released than kept..but had plenty for a good Sunday night bbq!
Click Read More for pictures.
Hi Todd, still enjoy reading the fishing and info news sent in by everybody. Thank You.
Went fishing with my son at Weymouth this morning, the first 15 minutes we caught 1 cod and 2 very nice size Flathead ...guess what I'm having for dinner tonight?
happy lines
Mick & Bailey Goss
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Hi mike, thought you might be interested in seeing what my hubby Chris caught on a line a few weeks ago just off Port Sorell. We took a couple of pics then returned it back to the waters. We hadn't caught or seen one of these before but researched and found it was a saw shark.
Thanks, Anita.
Here is a starting point for a little research.
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Spork and Simmo went for a fish yesterday at Penguin. After sussing out a few launching spots we came up with this one as the easiest. We unloaded, set up our gear and hit the water. With no wind, rain or waves, what a great morning !
Not many fish caught but the squid were playing havoc with the plastics.
The fishing at Devonport has been red hot the last few weeks despite the weather. A trip around town will show many people in boats and on shore fishing local waters. in the Mersey there are heaps if squid, with plenty of Salmon and Couta making a showing on the tide. Couta have been caught as far up river as Bells Pda at Latrobe. Bells Pde has also seen quite a fee Sea Runners being caught, mainly because of the incredible amounts of whitebait in the river and other local estuaries. There are few good Flathead also being caught near the mouth if the river.
We fished Moorlands Beach on Sunday fishing from 10am till 6pm finding it a tough day, coming off a week of daddy day care I was up for a challenge and took the strong northerly on it's stride only to land 1 flat head at 2pm of 29cm. Fishing beside a gutter I kept my hopes high as the tide started to rise a bit and my burley trial started to bring in the fish.
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. The number in Brackets, eg (13) is the number of articles. Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Mike Fry doesn’t only live on the Wild Side of Tasmania, but also goes fishing in probably the wildest boat ever to troll for trout—certainly in Tasmania.
When your mate says ‘What are you doing tomorrow, want to come up the Gordon for the night?’ it would be pretty hard to say anything else except “you bet” and start checking out your tackle box and packing your overnight bag. But if your mate was Troy Grining and he wanted to give his new 52ft, high speed cruiser a run across Macquarie Harbour, test the new onboard dory with a chance of landing a nice Gordon River Brown you would have to feel privileged. I didn’t say anything about getting on my hands and knees and kissing his feet…just having a lend of ya’ but I did feel very appreciative.