Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

MAST Flare Nights

Mast has been busy around the boat ramps over summer as well as doing Flare & Safety nights around the state. Recently we have been to Wynyard and last night, Wednesday 26 February, we were at Montrose Bay Yacht Club where 54 turned out in better conditions than the last time we were there.
Next Wednesday night, the 5th of March, we will be at Tamar Yacht Club where we hope to see a big crowd. The best so far this summer has been 124 at Kettering Yacht Club in December. Last year MAST ran 38 flare demonstrations around the state.

Anglers Alliance Report

Click here to read the report Anglers Alliance Report

Dear Fly Fishing Friends - Just a brief note to let you know that there are still spaces available in my fly casting workshops this coming weekend February 22/23.

Saturday 22nd Feb
Beginners half day 9 am to 12 noon, $165
Sunday 23rd Feb
Intermediate Day Class, 10 am to 4 pm, $200
Weekend Live In 22nd/23rd Feb, $500

Personal Best Brown on the Meander

     With a Nth Easterly wind this morning I wasn't even thinking of going fishing today until around 1.00pm when it died off. It was cloudy and now even a little humid and so it was on with the fishing clothes and off to the Meander River. Once there the sun had broken through, but there was also a reasonable amount of cloud around as well still making it pretty good for a spin session. The river was medium to low in height and running clear making me stick with the small Mepps black bladed Black Fury. 

Politics in the Pub Report

The first of the "Politics in the pub" meetings was held in Launceston last night in front of a modest crowd of around 25 people. The Stop the Trawler Alliance is made up of representatives from recreational fishers and environment groups,... United as one on this issue.

Be aware the threat is still very real that Super Trawlers could yet be granted permission to fish in Australian waters.

Recreational fishers and conservation groups launch a joint campaign

I have been asked to respond to this on behalf of Ron Denne, President of the Longford Fishing Club.
The Super Trawler subject was raised at the Longford Fishing Club meeting on the 4th February 2014. The vote by attending members was unanimous that we do not support such a vessel operating in Australian waters”
Kind Regards, Greg Davis on behalf of Ron Denne

Tassie Paddlers: YEP Tackle Fish-off - Johnsons Beach Penguin

We had a fantastic weekend with NO RAIN. I finally got it right. I would like to thank the members from that entered this event. Also thanks to Dale and Yep tackle for sponsoring this event. Like Spork said a successful event. A great Friday evening with a catch up tea and a few bevies and once again we solved the world’s problems with our friendly possum wanting to taste Legs’ toe but with no luck, it was time for an early night around 11pm. Spork set the wake up alarm for 6:30 but I think members were up around 5:30- 6:00 We had a hearty breakfast then it was time to convoy to the fishing spot. What a remarkable great day on the water all catching something, squid being the flavour of the day.

Amateur fishers reminded to give dolphins a chance

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Recreational fishers have been reminded to check their nets regularly for bycatch after a grisly find at Eaglehawk Neck earlier this week. A young dolphin with its tail severed and other injuries that appeared consistent with net entanglement was discovered on the Tessellated Pavement and reported to the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
DPIPWE wildlife biologist Rachael Alderman said fishers need to be aware of the potential for marine mammals and seabirds to become entangled in unattended nets.

Salmon  in the Mersey

This picture was taken from a friends Facebook page (with his permission). 

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