2018 11 06 Another brown falls to the copper spinnerDull cool overcast weather with rain due around midday saw me heading to a small tannin water this morning for a spin session. Over the past three days we had just on 15 mms of rain, most of which soaked into the ground, the water level did rise a little bit which was enough to turn the trout on. I didn't walk down stream as far as I usually do because I wanted to end the spin session further upstream than where I normally finish fishing on other trips.

2018 11 17 Ready for releaseStorms were forecast to hit around midday do I headed over to the Mersey River for a quick spin session before it hit. Started of with the #1 Aglia furia and picked up a very tiny brown trout on the very first cast, it was that small I didn't bother to photographed it. The less these little trout are handle the better their survival rate is. From there I decided to head downstream for some three hundred meters and fish my way back upstream. As I made my way over a very rocky old back water I spotted a few cormorants fly over head which wasn't a good sign, then when I arrived to where I was about to start fishing two more of them took off from the edge of the river.

2018 10 22 Best trout of the day caught in the creekIt's been a week since my last spin session so today I thought I would give the Meander River another chance of giving up a few trout. The weather when I left was quite reasonable with N/NWesterly breeze at around 15 kph and there was quite a bit of cloud cover too which is how I like it. We had reasonable few showers of rain a few days ago so if the river doesn't give up any fish I new I could always fish Western Creek. I was at the river edge by 9:50 am and it was at the ideal wading height and running very clear, my lure of choice was the Aglia Furia.

As I entered the river I spooked a medium size brown which gave me some confidence there may finally be a few trout around today. It took me thirty five minutes before I had my first solid hit but the fish missed taking the spinner. I fished on upstream for at well over four hundred through some beautiful looking trout water without having a single follow. So far the spin session has been a real low for me with having just the one hit and miss over an hour in the river. I had made my mind up to fish two more stretches of river before heading back to the car going to Western Creek. I felt I had to try something different with the lures so I changed the larger #1 Furia for a small gold #00 Aglia spinner, one that I had placed a black fury sticker on the spinner blade. This is when the spin session turned around for the better, the following stretch of river gave up four medium size browns in nine casts.

I don't know what the odds are but just over two years ago I lost a small Atomic shad40 lure in the Meander River when for some reason the line parted & the lure kept going and lobbed in the middle of the medium flowing river. It was a slow sinking lure & I did go and have a look for it all to no avail, it had more than likely disappeared between the rocks on the river bottom. A week later I was back in the river and while fishing the same stretch of water and decided I'd have another look for the little ghost gill brown lure. I roughly stood in the same area from where I had cast the lure a week earlier and sort of had an idea of where the lure had landed. I then had a guess of where in may have drifted to as it slowly sank. Good thing was that the sun was out this time where as the day I lost it it was a dull overcast day. Any way I headed out to where I thought it may have drifted to.

2018 10 15 5 Best trout of the dayAnother day that is forecast for fine weather with a E/NE winds that will pick up as the day goes on so I had a slightly earlier start on the river today. It was 9:25 am when I first stepped into the Mersey River to wet a Mepps spinner and maybe, just maybe get into a few trout. The conditions were perfect as was the river level, though it wasn't as clear as what I thought it would have been. Still good enough to fish, see the lure & even fish in it and that's all that mattered. This trip I started off using a Mepps #1 Aglia TW Streamer gold blade lure just for something different, hopefully it will be the lure that will do the job today in picking up a few trout. I have used it here before and caught a small brown on it, that day the fishing was very tough going so I had to make a change of lure. Today I started out using it in a headwater where a back water entered the river & never had a single touch or follow from a fish. From there I moved into a large back water and fished my way upstream for close on fifty meters, all I could manage was a few follows from non aggressive trout.

In accordance with the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28, two fishery assessments have been identified for 2018-19, Woods Lake and Bronte Lagoon. We also plan to undertake a follow up survey of Shannon Lagoon following the release of 500- tagged fish in June 2017.

2018 10 13 The second trout takenAfter checking the BOM river heights I saw that the Meander River had dropped 50mms since my last disastrous trip there with just the one trout being caught. I thought with it being lower plus the air and water temp on the rise it was worth another visit. My only worry was the East/North/East winds that were forecast for most of the week, not a good wind direction for fishing. It's okay if it's just a very light breeze but once it picks up one may as well head for home. Today's weather conditions were ideal with it being a dull cool to mild overcast day & the lightest of an Easterly breeze. Being so overcast I didn't hit the river until around 10:00 am and commenced casting the Mepps Aglia Furia around in the clear cool flowing water. It was quite nice to finally be fishing the river at the perfect wading height for a change..

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Don't get caught out! Recreational sea fishing licences for rock lobster, abalone, scallops, nets and set lines are now on sale online and at Service Tasmania.

Buy or renew licence

Rock lobster - transiting seasonally closed areas

A reminder to recreational fishers that you cannot possess pots, rings or rock lobster in any part of the East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone (ECSRZ) during the closed season for that area. This includes the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, and waters between St Helens and Eddystone Point - see maps below for boundaries. The ECSRZ boundary line at Eddystone Point is through the lighthouse at 40° 59' 35" S.

During 23-25 July 2018, the Service undertook a trapping survey within South Riana Dam. The purpose of the survey was to gain information on:.

  1. catch per unit effort,
  2. the length structure of the brown trout population,
  3. the condition of fish, and
  4. the brown trout population size.

Before the survey, to help estimate the population, 400 adult brown trout, sourced from the Liawenee Canal spawning trap were adipose fin clipped and transferred to South Riana Dam. These fish weighed an average of 850 grams.

During the survey, 54 box traps were set over two nights with 115 brown trout captured. This equals 2.13 brown trout per trap. This indicates moderate to low abundance of brown trout. We examined the brown trout for the presence of an adipose fin clip with just two clipped fish captured. One individual freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi) was also captured.

During 17-19 April 2018, we conducted an in-lake survey at Little Pine Lagoon to assess:

  1. the CPUE for brown trout,
  2. the population structure, and
  3. the condition of fish.

Over two nights, we set 104 box traps and captured 482 brown trout, with all areas of the lagoon surveyed. We weighed and measured 362 brown trout for fork length, with the remaining 120 brown trout counted only. The CPUE for brown trout was 4.64 fish per trap, indicative of a high abundance of fish.

A short video from Adrian Webb.

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