2018 10 03 The only trout for the sessionSeeing as the Meander River level had dropped to 62 cms on the BOM river levels chart I thought it was worth heading there to see if the trout are out and about. The previous two trips here when the river was running at 77 cms to 80 cms weren't all that flash with just one brown being caught on the first trip and four on the second. Today I'm fishing a different stretch of river, so I'm hoping for a few trout to be around seeing as the day is warm and the water temp should be around 10-11 degrees which is 6-7 degrees better to what it was.. No sooner had I arrived when the wind picked up and started blowing a gale, this wasn't forecast for later in the afternoon (3:00pm) not at 10:00 am.

2018 10 01 Mepps Aglia Furia did its jobIt's been a week since my last trip to a river due to crappy weather & high river levels & I was over due for a spin session in a river. Today was one of our better days with mainly clear blue skies and a West - Nth Westerly breeze blowing, so it was good enough to go & wet a Mepps spinner. Firstly I went & checked out a small river near home only to find that there had been a lot of cattle in the river. Walked along it for around a kilometre without spotting a single trout, so I headed back to the car to try another river. So I headed on over to the Mersey River to find it was still running a little high and for some reason or another it wasn't all that clear either.

During 23-25 July 2018, we undertook a trapping survey within the Pet Reservoir.
The purpose of the survey was to gain information on:

 catch per unit effort,
 the length structure of the brown trout population,
 the condition of fish, and
 an estimate of the brown trout population size.

Anglers Access - River Access

IFS has started assessing sites for extensions of the Anglers Access Program in the North, North West and River Derwent. As part of the Tyenna River willow control program a replanting day was held at Lanoma Estate on 6 June. Native trees were planted to stabilize banks before willow removal.

IFS and the Derwent Catchment Project are planning further field days on the Tyenna River as part of the willow control program. A revegetation day will be held in October and willow control days over the summer months. We will notify anglers of event dates. Volunteers are encouraged to participate.

News from IFS

We have received information that the gate into the Nineteen Lagoons has now been opened. With the settled, overcast weather forecast for the next few days and coming weekend it should be a good place to find a wild brown trout. This opens up easy access to Double Lagoon, Lake Ada, Lake Kay and the greater Western Lakes area.

For more information on the read check out our Angler Access brochure on the area.


ifs management planTasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28

In June, Sarah Courtney, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, launched the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28.
The Plan will guide the management of the recreational trout fishery in Tasmania for the next 10 years. It aims to provide a sustainable, vibrant and healthy fishery.
After extensive public consultation, the Plan provides better opportunities for anglers, assesses fishery performance and conserves fish stocks as a recreational resource for future generations.

The plan outlines measures to increase participation locally and from tourism markets. It balances the needs for individual fishery management while standardising regulations.
It supports the actions to grow and develop recreational fishing in Tasmania. These include a freeze on trout fishing licences, improved access for anglers and better facilities that encourage female participation and angling tourism.

116 shore fish beachPresented from Issue 116, June 2015
As many of us fish on a tight budget these days, what with mortgages, living costs, family expenses, kids and cars etc, owning a boat is quite often low on the list of priorities. With this in mind being able to maximise your shore fishing opportunities and make the most of your feet is as important as the tackle you use to do it with. What follows is a quick look at shore fishing options around Georges Bay, St Helens, and the tackle and techniques needed to take home a feed of fish.

Georges Bay has a good variety of shore fishing options from sandy flats to rocky shores as well as the many small jetties around the bay and these offer a great place to start especially where the kids or family are concerned. To ensure a successful outing on a wharf or jetty the use of berley is paramount, this will attract fish from a wide area to your fishing position and keep them there for your session. A small berley pot with a couple of handfuls of berley pellets and a capful or two of fish oil is all that is needed and dropped down a foot or two under the surface. Try not to introduce large amounts of berley to the water column at once as this will only serve to feed the fish and they will soon move on, the effect you are looking for is a constant, steady stream of particles floating down to the bottom……a little bit often is better than a lot at once.

Our inland fisheries are amongst the best trout fisheries available in the world.

Over the first couple of weeks of this season, we have become aware that some anglers are not following size and bag limits. Of particular concern is

  1. taking undersized fish
  2. exceeding bag limit, and
  3. exceeding the number of fish permitted over 500 mm.

The Inland Fishing Code, supplied each year with your licence, is a great pocket reference to keep in your tackle box. The regulations are readily available on our website, the InFish App and on signage at major angling waters around the state.


North Coast squid closure

The north coast spawning closure for calamari and squid comes into effect from next Monday 1st October until 31st October for waters from Cape Grim east to Cape Naturaliste.

Commercially purchased squid bait can be used but you cannot possess a squid jig attached to a fishing line in the closed area.

Temporary signage has been placed at fishing spots and boat ramps. Read more about the closure.

Check closure dates

2018 09 21 1 4 kg 3 lb 1oz wild brown troutWith the rivers still running high and the weather being fine for a change I decided I was going to chase the trout by hook or by crook.. I didn't have an early start either as it wasn't until 10:30 am when I finally slipped into the river. The water was running at a medium to high level so I had fished the stretches of water that I knew were safe enough to wade. After many years of fishing the rivers this is where knowing every bit of the each river I fish pays off. I never take any risks when fishing rivers as life is too short plus it's not worth drowning one's self either. One good thing was the water temp today was up to seven degrees and that's the warmest it's been since the end of the last trout season. I set myself a small target of catching & releasing five trout for the session this trip mainly because of the water flowing high & fast in most stretches if river.. I was a little undecided of what Mepps lure to start off with today, I finally made the choice of going with the Aglia Tiger Fluoro mainly because of the water temp still being a little low. Once the water temp gets to nine degrees and above then the Mepps gold or copper blades spinners will be given a good workout.

Over the weekend of 4 and 5 August, the 2018-19 angling season took off with a bang! Thousands of anglers around the state tried their luck with some fantastic fish caught. Our Officers were out with five teams patrolling 46 waters right across the state. We inspected 699 angling licences, 546 brown trout and 195 rainbow trout.

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