On Monday 15 April access to the Woods Lake boat ramp will be restricted from 7.30am until about midday.

We are going to remove some dangerous dead branches from the large trees over the car park.

Access will reopen as soon as the work is completed.

Source - https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/apr/10/woods-lake-boat-ramp-restricted-access-period

On Tuesday afternoon, we took a moment to say thank you to Stephen Hepworth who retired from the Inland Fisheries Service last year.

We wanted to recognise the 18 years of valued service he gave to IFS, with the last 10 years as the Manager of Compliance and Operations.

Stephen was the beneficiary of one of the largest known ‘crowdfunding’ efforts from our workplace. We wanted to ensure Stephen’s retirement lifestyle reflected the effort he exerted while working with us. A reproduction of his favourite painting of yingina/Great Lake was the centrepiece of our gift giving.

On behalf of all of us at IFS, we wish Stephen and his lovely wife, Betty, all the best for their adventures together in retirement bliss.



Source - https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/publications/quarterly-reports-anglers

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The start of 2019

The Christmas and New Year period saw anglers flocking to the Central Highlands to enjoy some great fishing. Our Officers were on patrol throughout the period, and they saw some fantastic catches. The standout waters were:

Arthurs Lake – After some tough times, we were pleased with how well this water fished. Both lure and fly anglers were catching fish that were in fantastic condition.

Four Springs Lake – There were less anglers, but some impressive bags caught. Fly anglers did well from the shore.

Nineteen Lagoons – Anglers reported plenty of cruising fish from Lake Botsford, Lake Augusta and Lake Ada. Tailing fish were reported at Howes Bay Lagoon and Double Lagoon.

Woods Lake – Saw great catches with one very impressive fish weighing in excess of two kilograms. yingina/Great Lake – Swan Bay, Haddens Bay and Cramps Bay were the hotspots. One bait angler in Swan Bay caught four good fish ranging between 420 mm and 480 mm in an afternoon session.

fisheriestas2019 04 10Time to get your gear ready and check your licence. Recreational scallop season opens from Saturday 13 April for all waters except the D'Entrecasteaux Channel. A reminder that only the licence holder can dive for scallops.

Measuring gauges are available from Service Tasmania outlets.


Scallop rules reminder

Site works to replace the flood damaged pedestrian bridge between Lake Ada and Ada Lagoon will be underway between Wednesday 10 April and Friday 12 April 2019. As part of these works the carpark at the end of Lake Augusta Road and the Talinah 4x4 Track will be closed from 0700-0900 on Thursday 11 April 2019. This closure is required to facilitate the helicopter operations for the replacement of the bridge as is subject to weather.

The boat ramp at Lake Ada will be available during the closure however there will be limited parking. Once the helicopter operations are completed the carpark and track will be reopened. Access across the pedestrian bridge between Lake Ada and Ada Lagoon may also be limited on Thursday 11 April 2019. Visitors are advised to avoid the area if possible during the works period.

For further information please contact the PWS Project Manager on 6777 2255.

Source: https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/apr/05/lake-ada-bridge-replacement-temporary-site-closure

lake sorell netsThe annual Lake Crescent juvenile carp survey took place on 6 March 2019. This survey aims to make sure carp have not made their way back into Lake Crescent, and to look for any sign of spawning. We have not seen Carp in Lake Crescent since 2007, but we do surveys every year to check.

We focused on areas that carp like. These include rocky or sandy shores and spaces with lots of weed. We fished fourteen areas around the lake using backpack electro-shockers. We caught short-finned eels and golden galaxias but no carp.

2019 04 02 Fish of the day 690 grmsWith poor weather forecast later on this afternoon & with the conditions being overcast & cool this morning I thought a trip to the upper Mersey River may be worth the trip. Half way to where I was heading I came across some light fog which I didn't mind as it meant there wouldn't be any sun on the water for an hour or two. I hit the river at 7:10 am and the first thing I came across was water weeds & plenty of it. Not the ideal thing one wants to see when lure fishing that's for sure as it restricts the fishing quite a lot.

I was starting the session of with the Mepps #1 March Brown bug spinner to see if it may attract a trout or two, it did the job in the Meander two days ago so why not try it here. The water was clear and glassy, there were plenty trout feeding on a massive hatch of midges that covered the wide slow flowing water ahead of me. With thousands of these small midges floating on the surface as well as in the air, the trout were going to be hard to catch this morning.

2019 04 01 Bog spinner and Wild brown troutSeeing as we had a Angling Club fishing day at Huntsman Lake at Meander I thought I'd get a few hours of fishing the Meander River in before heading to the lake. I was still dark when I arrived & headed off through the paddocks on a 1.5 km walk to where I was starting the spin session in the river.

By the time I reached the river it was light enough to hop in and start fishing where I had a couple of follows from a solid brown at the tail end of a long slow flowing run. I tried several different lures but that fish just wasn't in an aggressive mood. The next stretch of river gave up nothing and it wasn't until I reached a nice narrow medium/fast flowing run when I had my first take. A small (280 gm) brown took the Mepps Aglia brown spinner from a cast & drift under the willows close to the river bank, I had my first trout of the morning.

2019 03 22 Mepps stone fly bug spinner catches another troutWith some light cloud around this morning I thought I would head over to the Mersey River and have a short spin session before the sun burnt the cloud off. Conditions were quite nice with hardly a breath of wind and the river was at the perfect wading height. As I entered the river (7:40am) I noticed a few trout on the rise just ahead of me so I flicked the Aglia Furia well past the fish and retrieved the spinner back a little faster that the flow.

2019 03 21 Small rainbow trout a surprise catchMild overcast morning saw me heading off to the Meander River for a spin session in a 1.5km stretch of river I haven't fished since before the 2016 June floods. When I last fished this area I averaged 15 plus trout each trip and most trout were all in the 450 gram range with many larger ones taken as well. I wasn't expecting much today, I just felt it was time to see if the trout are back in this stretch of river. The rest of the river is slowly coming back with trout but they're mainly all small fish this season with the odd few reasonable fish taken from time to time. I hit the river at 8:05 am and had my first trout on within the first three casts up and across the fast water.

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