ifs winner 2019On Saturday, at Trout Weekend, the Minister responsible for Inland Fisheries Hon. Guy Barnett announced the winners of the Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photo Competition for 2019. The judges found it difficult to choose from a range of high quality photos that were sent in. The winners were:

1st Shaun Cooper
2nd Arnie Zinnoegger
3rd David Green
4th Nicholas Spencer

We would like to thank the sponsors - Fly 'n Dry Waders and Huey Lures

Source: https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/22/tasmania-trout-fishing-photo-competion-winners-announced

ifs rocksThe IFS and MAST ask that anglers do not place rocks to step on to the floating pontoons at yingina/Great Lake or Arthurs Lake.

The pontoons slide on the anchor cables – if there is a gap between the pontoon and the shore simply slide the pontoon back to shore.

Placing rocks stops the pontoon from sliding and can damage the cables and chains under the pontoons when the lake level rises.

Source: https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/22/important-notice-do-not-obstruct-floating-pontoons

ifs haddensAnglers have suggested that more parking would be useful at the Haddens Bay boat ramp at yingina/Great Lake.

In response the IFS has groomed the ramp on both sides of the rock groyne to provide additional area for turning, launching and parking.

Source https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/22/ifs-upgrades-haddens-bay-boat-ramp

Hydro Tasmania would like to advise that the boat ramp at Lake Rowallan will be closed from Monday 20 May to Friday 31 May 2019, inclusive.
During this period we will be doing maintenance work on the boat ramp, road and campground as well as improving drainage and bank stabilisation at the site. This period of time may be subject to change as work is weather dependent.
We appreciate your patience and apologise for any inconvenience.
Further information about Hydro Tasmania’s boat ramps and other recreational sites is available at www.hydro.com.au
For enquiries please contact us
on 1300 360 441 or by email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Source: https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/21/lake-rowallan-boat-ramp-access

Ever been stuck for a way to cook trout? Come along to Trout Weekend to discover (and taste!) some delicious ways to prepare your catch. All demonstrations are free.

Chef Rodney Dann from Wattlebanks Catering will be showing you how to whip up:

Pan-fried trout fillet with chorizo, potatoes and peas
Native pepper baked trout with creamy potato salad
Smoked trout risotto and arancini
Trout with curry butter

Cooking demonstrations will happen at 11am, 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm each day (one dish per session). Following each demonstration there will be free tastings for 30 people. To secure your tasting, pick up a free ticket from Inland Fisheries Service staff at the entrance to Trout Weekend.

Recipes for the above dishes can be found here.

Keen angler and experienced fish smoker, Michael Wood, will be demonstrating how to smoke your own trout. He will also give tips about preparing gravlax and trout caviar. Michael will share his knowledge (and tastings of his delicious dip!) between 10am and 3pm each day.

For more information about Trout Weekend 2019 click here.

Source - https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/14/delicious-dishes-trout-weekend-2019-18-19-may

junior anglersThe ever-popular junior angling pond will be part of Trout Weekend once again this year (18 & 19 May 2019). Fishcare volunteers will be on hand to provide advice, hints and tips for junior anglers (under 14 years) to help them try and catch a trout. Each angler will be allowed to fish for 10 minutes before moving on so the next person in the queue can try their luck. If you are lucky enough to catch a trout you are welcome to keep it or release it. There are also eight tagged fish in the ponds, if you catch one of these you will win a prize generously donated by 42 Degrees South Real Estate.

For more information about Trout Weekend 2019 click here.

Source :https://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/news/2019/may/14/calling-all-junior-anglers-come-try-your-luck-trout-weekend

2019 05 13 Trout No 500 for the seasonI headed off to the Meander River to catch trout number 500 today, something I thought would come nice and quick in the river. Thing is I was pretty slack in getting up to start with and I wasn't in the river until 9:30am after a 1.5 km walk, the sun was well up and full on the clear water. Still feeling confident that my favourite river would give up the fish required I was quick in starting the session of with a Mepps Aglia Furia in a nice free flowing medium stretch of river. Twenty minutes later I still hadn't seen a fish, no follows, just nothing, there wasn't a fish in that beautiful stretch of water. I tried a variety of spinners & even hard body lures, still nothing. I continued spin fishing my way upstream giving the Okuma Helios SX20 reel & Okuma Celilo 6'6'' ULS 1-3kg trout rod a good workout all to no avail, still no signs of any trout. It wasn't until 10:30am when I drew a nice brown out of a shaded area on the left hand side of the river, that trout was only half interested before it turned and moved off. Seeing that trout did give me some hope of catching one here today after all.

2019 05 10 525gm brown troutThe weather was fine & sunny today but the wind was still blowing at 25-35 kph with gusts up to 55 kph at times making me wonder if I should stay home or go and tough it out in the same small stream as I did the day before. I decided to do the latter and headed off to fish the stream from where I called it a day yesterday, there was still some good trout water to be fished. I was in the river by 2:10pm and boy the wind was roaring like hell. Good thing was I did have plenty of wind breaks thanks to the thick tea trees that lined both sides of the stream.

2019 05 09 First of the day Leven RiverAfter having quite few injections in the lower back and hips this morning I was feeling quite good so decided to head back to the Leven River for another shot a picking up a few more wild brown trout in the afternoon. I had arranged to meet a friend at Gunns Plains who's just made the move from Queensland to Tasmania to start a new life here. It's been 35 years since he last had a fish for trout so today was a big day for him & one he'll remember for some time too as you'll find out when you get a little further into this report.

2019 05 02 This trout like copper 2Calm, mild overcast conditions had me heading back to have another crack chasing trout in the rocky fast waters of the Meander River. I hit the river at 7:40 am to find it was a little lower than my last trip here, it still had plenty of water coming down. Like most of my trips of late I started off with the lure that keeps on keeping on even though it's now very much worse for wear, the copper blade Mepps #0 Aglia Mouche Noire was the lure.

I only intended to fish a five/six hundred meter stretch of river then move to another area two or so kilometres further downstream. The area I fished was perfect for the cast & drift method and it wasn't very long before I had the first trout hooked and landed. The trout were here but they weren't overly aggressive to start with, they were just nipping at the spinner. I stayed with the copper Mouche Noire lure and by the time I had reached the area I was finishing up I had caught a total of six small browns from nine hookups.

2019 04 24 Lovely solid Meander River brown trout headAfter having around 50 injections in my lower back, hips and left shoulder blade I felt good enough to hit the fast water on the Meander River. Before I left home I put several stick on heat patches on my lower back & took a couple of pain killers as well. Any way I arrived at Meander in thick fog, got the trout wading gear on and headed off to the river. When I arrived at the area I was going to fish I found the river was running a too little high and fast for my liking.

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