Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

2017 11 14 Nice Mersey Rainbow headStill a little sore from doing some gardening etc over the weekend and having the Monday off from fishing I made the decision to go for a spin session in the Mersey River after lunch today. I was in the river at 1:30 PM in what was bright warm sunny conditions, the sun full on the clear water and a gusty North Easterly wind blowing. I started off with a small ghost brown hard body and had a take on the very first cast, the reel screamed for a short time before a solid rainbow leaped from the river and tossed the lure. I couldn't set the hooks because I hadn't adjusted the drag on the reel and that's why the rainbow tossed the lure.

2017 11 10 Aglia and Mersey River brownOvercast, no wind and mild weather conditions had me in the Mersey River by 6:35 am this morning and the first thing I noticed was the trout surface feeding. They were spread out in most sections of the river sipping down the little midges that were floating down the river. I thought nothing of it really because that's what I saw on my last trip to the Mersey River & thought I was in for a tough day but caught & released 22 trout. Well, how wrong was I on this trip because it took me just on an hour before I had my first trout in the net, a nice rainbow taken on the aglia gold spinner.

2017 11 08 Close up of Mersey River rainbow troutWarm weather forecast with a cool morning saw me having an early start in the Mersey River this morning in what was beautiful conditions. I was in the river by 6:45 am and picked up a nice 530 gram rainbow with the Mepps gold Aglia in the first small fast water I fished. The next run of water I'm moving into was a long wide run that's close to one and a half kilometers in length and has a few small fast water runs in it too.. It was here I changed over to the ghost brown hard body lure to fish this clear water. As I approached this stretch of river I could see several trout surface feeding so I thought I may be in for a tough session if the trout are concentrating on surface feeding.

Flare Drop Off Post November 2017Do you have an "out of date' flare ?

Please check this poster for locations.

Date - 25th November 2017

Time - 10:00 - 2:00pm

MAST LogoThe Longford Fishing Club and MAST are running another day to show how inflatable life jackets work, a CPR demonstration will be run by the local volunteer ambulance service, flare demonstration run by MAST, and the local fire volunteers will showcase portable fire extinguishers.

MAST also encourages owners of inflatable life jackets to bring them along to have them checked by MAST staff and there will also be Life Jacket Vouchers available for any style of old standard, AS1512, 1499 or 2260, foam or inflatable jacket, that is brought to the MAST stand.

2017 11 01 Head shot of my best wild brown of the season so far Mersey RiverClear skies, light to moderate WSW wind and a maximum temperature of around nineteen degrees forecast had me heading over to the Mersey River for a spin session today. I didn't hit the river until 10:00 am or there about and it wasn't all that long before I had my first brown take the little Daiwa ghost brown hard body. I plucked it out of a nice clear medium flowing section of water and it was quite a nice well conditioned fish too. It had taken the lure a little deep in the mouth to what I would have liked and there was a little blood flowing through the gills. Once I picked it up and checked inside its mouth I could see there wasn't any major damage to the fish, once I removed the treble hook with the forceps the bleeding had almost stopped. I held it in the water for several minutes and there wasn't any sign of blood coming from the fish, so I sent it on it's way.

2017 10 25 Solid Meander River brownI had every intention of heading over to the Meander River this morning and was ready to head off at 6:00am. Just before I was about to leave I thought I would check the river level on the BOM site only to find the river was up by 90cms from last night which made it a little on the high side for a spin session where I was heading. So that was the end of my trip to the Meander River, then I decided to head over to Merseylea and fish upstream from the top bridge. Once there I found the wind was up and coming straight down the river, it was a pretty cold breeze too so I headed on back home. I was still feeling a little sore from yesterdays spin session in the Mersey River any way, so a rest today won't do me any harm at all.

Draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018 28

Presentation and discussion of the

Draft Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2018-28
Great Lake Community Centre
17 November 2017, 6 pm

For more information call Tim Farrell (6165 3805) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or view the flyer here



2017 10 24 Quality wild Mersey River brown troutAnother warm day had me heading over to the Mersey River for a few hours chasing trout.. I didn't hit the river until 10:20 am not that it mattered all that much as it was mainly overcast conditions for now. The river here was running at a medium height and fairly clear so I'm hoping to catch and release a few browns today given the conditions were just right. I started of with the Daiwa ghost brown seeing as it worked well on the browns up at Liena yesterday in what was pretty tough fishing conditions. Well the first couple of stretches of water were very quiet, though I did manage to have a follow from a very small brown. It wasn't until I was half through fishing a back water when I finally caught my first small (270 gram) brown for the morning. That was the only brown taken in that long back water run, I did have several follows without any signs of aggression at all from them.


crayThe recreational rock lobster season in the Western Region (waters west of Point Sorell around to Whale Head) opens this Saturday, 4 November. Fishers can set pots from 1pm this Friday, then pull them after midnight.
The Western Region daily bag limit is 5 rock lobster, the possession limit is 10 and the boat limit is 25.
Check the rules here

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