Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Results from rock lobster sampled from the Maria Island Biotoxin Zone indicate PST levels below the regulatory limit.

The MARIA ISLAND ZONE will open:

· for setting rock lobster pots, at 13:00 on Saturday 17 February 2018; and,

· for taking rock lobster, pulling pots, rock lobster rings and diving for rock lobster, at 00:01 a.m. on Sunday 18 February 2018.

Biotoxin news

More information
Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2018 01 13 Ghost brown and Mersey Rainbow headThe weather was fine when I left home this morning for a spin session on the Mersey River at Weegena even though the forecast was for rain & thunderstorms the sky was clear. Once there & after a forty minute walk to where I was to start my spin session, it was then I noticed some heavy cloud building up and it seemed to be moving in at a steady rate. I knew then I would have to get in the river and get a move on before the weather hit this area.. I was using the ghost brown lure and was having plenty of follows but no takers which was becoming quite frustrating.

fly fish aus banner

National President
Fly Fish Australia Inc.
GPO Box 2255

6 February 2018

General Circular #2-2018 - Team Announcements

Frogley's Offshore has released a couple of new products - and we want to tell you all about them in our press releases!

LSB Hero 

The Gamakatsu Long Shank Black Hooks are versatile and perfect for worms, pipis, prawns and cut fresh baits either fished from a boat or land, as well as Mudeye in the fresh. 

See Press Release Here


Arrowz 2pc hero 

Following high demand from our customers, we have now released the Atomic Arrowz 2 Piece, featuring all the same high-quality components - perfect for the travelling angler. 

See Press Release Here



Frogley's Marketing

Results from rock lobster sampled from the Central East Zone indicate PST levels below the regulatory limit.

PST levels in rock lobster sampled from the Maria Island Zone were not under the regulatory limit. PST levels have substantially decreased in recent weeks and lobsters will be sampled from this Zone next week.

The CENTRAL EAST ZONE will open:

for setting rock lobster pots, at 17:00 on Monday 22 January 2018; and,
for taking rock lobster, pulling pots, rock lobster rings and diving for rock lobster, at 00:01 a.m. on Tuesday 23 January 2018.


Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Central East and Maria Island rock lobster biotoxin zones remain closed. Analysis of the Rock lobster samples are underway at the certified laboratory in Sydney. Unfortunately, we have just been advised the results will not be available until Monday 22 January 2018 or Tuesday 23 January 2018.

Biotoxin news

Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

kgwIf you catch and keep KGW’s we want your filleted frames. Preferably leave the guts in so we can sex each fish. Frames can be placed in a plastic bag and frozen with details of approximate area of capture, the date of capture and your contact details on a label left inside the bag. Once frozen drop them off at where this poster is or contact me and I will organise the details to collect them. Once obtained the frames will be used to determine their size, sex and maturity level, and remove the otoliths to age each individual.



If your interested in participating and want more information talk to the staff in this tackle shop
Call Dr James Haddy on 6324 3828.
or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2017 12 25 Small wild rainbow troutWith nothing on this morning and being Christmas Day I new where ever I fished I'd more than likely have the rivers all to myself. So I headed off to the Mersey River for a spin session in what was beautiful calm conditions and with the sun already well up I didn't hit the river until 7:15 am. The river was like a sheet of glass and there were quite a few trout already on the rise surface feeding on midges. Seeing the trout surface feeding I knew I was in for another tough few hours chasing the brown trout this morning.

2017 12 21 Head shot of Mersey River brownI left home just after 5:30 am this morning and headed to the upper reaches of the Mersey River for an early spin session in what was a reasonably cool morning with the lightest of breeze. As soon as I arrived it was on with the wading gear and off for a forty minute walk to where I would start the spin session. I was trying a new stretch of river (that I checked out on Google Earth) for the first time this trip so I didn't know what to expect.

2017 12 13 Solid little brownI was originally going to head to the upper Mersey River at Liena at 4:30 am this morning when I woke up but after laying there for a while I decided not to. As much as I wanted to get up I just couldn't be bothered because of a couple of sleepless nights. As the day went on and there was some good cloud cover around I then decided to head up there around 2:10 PM.

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