
crayThe recreational rock lobster season in the Western Region (waters west of Point Sorell around to Whale Head) opens this Saturday, 4 November. Fishers can set pots from 1pm this Friday, then pull them after midnight.
The Western Region daily bag limit is 5 rock lobster, the possession limit is 10 and the boat limit is 25.
Check the rules here

 closures 2017 10 31

East Coast biotoxin news
The rock lobster biotoxin sampling program has commenced in the Eastern Region following the detection of extremely high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) in sentinel shellfish species over significant areas of the East Coast.
Yellow areas on the map indicate the zones with current high levels of PSTs. A decision on the open/closed status of each biotoxin zone is not anticipated prior to Friday 10th November.

Read more here


Season reminders
The striped trumpeter season re-opens from 1 November for recreational and commercial fishing.
The annual calamari and squid closure from Lemon Rock (south of Wineglass Bay) to the northern end of Marion Bay is now in place. This area will re-open on 15 November.
Check season dates

Get involved - nominate for RecFAC
Expressions of interest are currently being sought to fill several recreational fisher member vacancies on the Recreational Fishery Advisory Committee (RecFAC). RecFAC provides expert advice to the Minister and the Department on recreational sea fishing management matters including fishery reviews and management policy.
All keen recreational fishers are welcome to apply. In line with the Government’s policy to have 50% female membership on boards and committees, female fishers are particularly encouraged to nominate.

Read more here

Recreational Fisheries Section, DPIPWE
Phone: 1300 720 647
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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