Paxy’s Bluefin Trip

by Rob Paxevanos
In the late 70’s my dad took my three brothers
and I along with 2 cousins and a family friend
to Eagle Hawk Neck on the South East
Corner of Tasmania.
This was one of our first game fishing
trips, and weather reports were not so detailed
back then so dad wanted a place where there
was good shelter should the prevailing south
easterlies come up from the open expanse of
the Southern Ocean.

Tasmanian kayak fishing

by Nick Gust
Kayak-fishing is rapidly gaining popularity
around Australia. With appropriate equipment,
experience and favourable weather Tasmania holds
many diverse and exciting opportunities for kayak
fishing. Taswegians are getting in on the act with the
first kayak-fishing tournament held at Scamander
earlier this year. (see issue 85 for details).

The Hemingway Dream

Handline trolling for southern bluefin tuna in a kayak

By Nick Gust
What is possible with modern kayak fishing and how far can
this hybrid sport be taken? Is it realistic to dream of successful
game fishing outings by kayak? How difficult would it actually
be to hook and land a bluefin tuna from a kayak on the great
Southern Ocean? Could these torpedos of streamlined muscle
flip a kayak or tow you out to sea? What about evading hungry
mobs of opportunistic seals? Or is the whole notion really just
an irresponsible fantasy, the product of too many drinks? Keen
Tasmanian anglers have no doubt pondered these questions
before, imagining this holy grail of fishing adventure. Over
the last couple of years in Hobart I decided to seek some
answers. Joining the chase for the world’s most valuable fish
species became something of a quest. Often far offshore on
the wild southern ocean. Alone, in a sea kayak.

Fish Taxidermy

Leroy Tirant

Once in a lifetime an angler may be lucky enough to catch a trophy fish, if you’re even luckier you may get more than one. When you catch this fish your faced with the question of what to do with it. In today’s age of catch and release many anglers would choose to release a big fish but there’s nothing wrong with having the fish mounted for your wall.

Fishwise Community Grant Round Opens

Organisations, community groups or individuals can land a Fishwise Community Grant with more than $380,000 available for projects that benefit recreational sea fisheries management or educate the fishing community. 
Individuals and community groups can receive funding for projects that will protect and promote recreational fishing activities for future generations.”
To be eligible to apply for a Fishwise Community Grant, projects must be relevant to recreational sea fishing in one or more of the following areas:
•      improved resource management;
•      education and awareness;
•      training that aids better fishing practices.

News from IFS..

On Thursday, 2 September, Brushy Lagoon received 200 Atlantic salmon and 110 rainbow trout, and Craigbourne Dam received 330 Atlantic salmon, in the first of this season's Spring stockings. Four waters in the North East (Blackmans, Big and Little Waterhouse, and Pioneer Dam) were also stocked.
Read the details at
More stockings are planned for next week. Stay tuned.

Report from Vic and Rose at Lake Leake

Decided to go to Lake Leake this morning, very cold early. Started to fish about seven, Victors day today he got two nice browns (slightly underweight) and a nice rainbow and returned another small rainbow.
A couple of other strikes and follow ins. All fish had a belly full of stick caddis. I couldn't fish much my shoulder as hurting.

Presidents Report from Vic and Rose

Report from Mick Emmett - 28 August

Well, the first month of the fishing season is nearly over, but I
finally got a couple of hours to sneak up and have a look at what’s
going on up top...Not much is the short answer...

Great Lake Report August 20 2010

Went fishing to the Great Lake Monday and caught one nice Rainbow
about 4 pound and a nice brownie about 3 pound trolling on sting
Had to leave early due to the amount of snow falling otherwise we
wouldn't of got home the next morning.
Went to four Springs yesterday and caught a nice brownie about 3 pound
only minutes after starting from the ramp trolling cobras .
Sid and Matthew

Rules for Angler Access on Private Property

The IFS has recently posted an article on Rules for Angler Access on Private Property. Thanks to Neil for info and Caroline for suggestion in response to inquiries.

The Australian National Sportfishing Association Report

The Australian National Sportfishing Association had their annual trip to Derwent Bridge over the last weekend (13th – 16th August). The trip was an absolute standout with many fish being caught. All members were rewarded with good salmon and trout.
The comp is based on the “Grand Slam” model with points being rewarded cross the four salmonoid species. Brook, Brown, Rainbow and Atlantic.

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