IFS Charges Laid

Joint Inland Fisheries, Parks & Police, Raids on properties in the North West result in charges being laid
by Sarah Graham
Inland Fisheries, firearms and drug offences were detected during a series of raids on several North West properties last week in a joint operation involving Inland Fisheries, Tasmania Police, and Parks and Wildlife officers.
Joint Inland Fisheries, Parks & Police, Raids on properties in the North West result in charges being laid.

Woods Lake Report from Sat 27th November

Fished Woods Lake on Saturday morning. On water about 7:30am with slight northerly so headed to southern end of lake. We up 5 nice fish on soft plastics close to shore but no surface feeders seen. About 10am went over to eastern shore where there were alot of mayflys hatching. Over next 2 hours caught and released so many fish using a highland dun pattern close into the shore. Headed back to boat ramp about midday and while cleaning fish i paused for about 30 seconds and looked along the bank and saw no fewer than 25 rises in a 50m stretch to the north.
Amazing morning!

Lake River and Huntsmans Lake Report

Fished the Lake River on Monday 22nd November and with river levels still high there were not many fish showing. Caught a few and saw a few, but they were reluctant fish. With all rivers still high and with good flows the season will improve. Most rivers will have received another rise in level as rain over the weekend of 27/28 November gives them a boost.
Fished Huntsman Lake on Saturday morning 27 November in very calm conditions. There were plenty of fish right on the shallow shores. Some were even in behind the sticks and virtually impossible to present a fly to. Broke three off whilst attempting the impossible and landed one of less than a kilo. On the way back to the ramp there were quite a few fish taking midges in the middle of the flat calm. Got the fly in front of a few, but no takes. I heard after the Saturday night rain it was spilling again.

Cowpaddock Report

By Todd
Johnny Dekkers and I fished the Cowpaddock area this morning...plenty of water in it and few fish rising,(most quite small though), with the wind putting an end to things in that department ery early on.
Johnny landed nine and kept seven.
I landed 7 and kept five....biggest would have just been about two pounds.

All in quite good nick....even a whisper that a couple of duns are starting to show their faces early.!! Orange gum beetles are about in numbers also.

Brushy Stocking

Hi all,
         Just a quick note to let you know that Brushy Lagoon has just recently had 30 Rainbows to 3kg and 330 Atlantic Salmon up to 2.5 kgs put in it by Sevrup Fisheries.

News from the IFS

by Sarah Graham

Special Event and Junior Water Stockings

An increasing number of angling clubs are encouraging young people to get into trout fishing. Some run regular events for junior members and have a dedicated junior angling water.

 Recent trout stocking





Weight (g)

 Origin Stock




Rainbow trout


Fingerling / Yearling


New Norfolk

Wild Diploid

 Dee Lagoon


Brook Trout




University of Tasmania

Domestic Diploid

Brushy Lagoon


Tiger Trout


Fingerling / Yearling


University of Tasmania 

Domestic Diploid

Brushy Lagoon


Rainbow Trout


Fingerling / Yearling


New Norfolk



Dee Lagoon


Rainbow Trout 


Fingerling / Yearling


New Norfolk



Meander River


Brown Trout




New Norfolk



Lake Botsford


Brown Trout




New Norfolk



Emma Tarns


Brown Trout




New Norfolk



Carter Lakes


Fish Frenzy at the Huntsman Lake - around 8th Nov.

Hi All,
After two false starts with my boat this season I arranged to meet Jim at Deloraine at a time that would have us waiting at the Huntsman boom gate with our waders on and boat ready to launch at 6am. Jim reckoned that the boom did not operate until 6.01 costing him fishing time!

 Tooms Lake Report

I am back at work after two weeks holidays. Then spent one week catching up on all I needed to do at work. A mate of mine came over from western Australia which some of you might remember from fishing gear many years ago. We fished Tooms first.

Four Springs Report Friday 5th November

I was going to go to Lake Leake this morning but the lure of a sleep in,( on top of listening to recent President reports re /Four Springs fly fishing), had me change my mind.
So with that, I picked up fellow President John Dekkers at 9.30am and we were on our way.
We hadn't been on the water for very long when we noticed a couple of swirls near the boat, a quick cast in that direction saw my indicator fly sink, I struck ...and all hell broke loose!!!.

Four Springs Report Wednesday 3rd November 2010

Headed off to Four Springs today got there early afternoon perfect fly fishing weather.
I caught 2 browns on a dun I tied myself, one 4lb. and one 5lb. I couldn’t get Vic to fly fish, maybe tomorrow.
Vic got a 3lb. rainbow on a pumpkin seed. Staying tonight to have another go tomorrow.

Regards Presidents Vic and Rose

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