Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Penstock and Howes Bay 

Couple of fish photos of catches over the Xmas New Year break. Fine Penstock brown 4lb caught a foot of the edge by a floating brown possum tail nymph, the take was barely perceptible. Just shows you mustn’t wade right in before testing what’s there. The two little rainbows came from Howes Bay Lagoon. They also took the floating nymph which is fast becoming the only fly I tie and use. They fought really well and had small heads and fat bodies. Smoked up really well. Had a great day at Carters yesterday, warm, slight breeze ,blue sky, water crystal clear and the fish were cruising. Hooked into 6 the biggest was around 4-5 lb a big buck the smallest around 2.5lb all caught again on the floating possum tail nymph. Polaroided some, fished up the others, all were released. Highland gold day.

Tight lines and smelly bags


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The 2011 Pirtek Fishing Challenge is open and taking registrations!

The Challenge will take place on Sunday, 10 April and registration is $20.  Every competitor will receive a brag mat and limited edition cap.   Once again 100% of the entry fee will go directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
Click here for the Poster
Click here for the Media Release

3 kg Flathead at Greens Beach

3 kilo flathead caught at Greens Beach from the shore held by our 7 year old son Alex.
Fish was caught on blue bait caught at Greens Beach.

PS - Flathead was caught OFF the beach not in a boat.

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Arthurs Lake Report 7/1/2011

After an invite from fellow Presidents Jim & Virginia Mckenna, my son (Jacob) and I headed up to Arthurs Lake on Thursday evening to spend a night by the waters edge at Jonah Bay, fishing “definitely” not the main priority.

We went more so with the view of sitting back with a “few coldies,” having a bit of a relax in a deck chair and spending a bit of quality time with my boy and a couple of close friends.

Another report from St.Helens

My brother Paul stayed on for a couple more days to do some more deep sea fishing and is having a ball catching some nice striped trumpeter, blue eye trevalla, morwong and some crays, Eddystone patch being the hot spot.
Wish I didn’t have to go back to work, look what I am missing out on!!!
Scamander river was where Nathan caught the tailor,

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Fly Cards

Daniel Hackett

Reviewed by Greg French

For many years I have been quite content to use traditional Tasmanian fly patterns — the Red Tag, Mrs Simpson, Green Nymph, that sort of thing —after all, the choice of destination, the ability to see fish, and the ability to cast reasonably accurately are far more important than the choice of fly. In the last few seasons my attitude to flies has changed, however, quite dramatically so.

Fishing report Swansea 5/1/2011

Wednesday 5 January my family and I headed to Swansea to "hopefully" catch a feed of flathead.
Heading out from the Swansea town centre boat ramp at around 8am, hopes were high that the kid's and Janet would get onto a few. As for myself, I was "designated decky" and man o man did they keep me busy!!!
We headed out towards the Coles Bay side for about 10 minutes and pulled up to see what was about.......from the moment the rods hit the water, it never stopped.
In short, we caught our limit as well as throwing about 150 undersized ones back.
Janet and the kids also caught a couple of gummys and gurnards as by-catch... that were also returned.
As for myself, I am sipping on a well earned beer as I write this, with the smell of crumbed flathead coming from the kitchen....all is good with the world.
Todd L

St Helens Fishing report

by Phil Zanetto
Fishing report on St.Helens over the xmas break.
Managed four "half days" fishing out wide when the wind wasn’t blowing,fished south of St.Helens island on two occasions and caught plenty of nice sand and tiger flatties, a few gummy sharks, some latchet and the usual pests of the sea ..the red gurnard.

Lake Burbury Dec 31st 2010

Happy New Year to you and your family. Here is a photo of our recent trip to Lake Burbury. So much for summer, as you will see with a good snow fall on our way,.... almost a white Christmas!!.
With all the great rods that we have who would think that a cheap plastic one could catch such a terrific fish?. I had a couple of YEP lures that I received from the Longford fishing club so I put a rattling one on. When my grandson Caine yelled to take his rod I didn't think he would have a fish on.
It took Vic and I a good ten minutes to get it in the boat with me pulling the line and Vic winding. At the same time one of the other rods got a hit while I was fighting just to stop the plastic rod from breaking. I think the other rod had a brown on it but I didn't see it. Well I don't know who was the proudest me or my little boy but the fish is now waiting in my freezer for a special occasion.

 Regards Vic and Rose

Okuma/Rapala Summer Prize Giveaway

Rapala Australia would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a very fishy New Year. Thank you for your continued support toward Rapala & all associated brands for 2010. May your rods be bent and lines kept tight these holidays.

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