Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

RiverFly Tasmania Blog

This is from
It’s mayfly time..
October 14th, 2010 by Daniel Hackett

The mayfly season has started with small hatches on the Macquarie, South Esk and North Esk rivers…

Two Short Reports

Just this minute talking to Johnny who is staying at Tooms as we speak( in the Ross anglers shack) alongside Dan and Gary ...they went out for an hour this avo and caught three all around the three and a half pound mark, two caught on "Slim Jims " and the other on a mudeye pattern.
Cheers, Todd

COASTAL MARINE - Bar Crusher Drive Day - Hobart

Check out Trailer Boat Magazine's Winner of "Australia's Greatest Alloy Production Boat 2010 at Lindisfarne 16-17 October. As well as the 760HT there will be a range of other Bar Crushers to try. You can call Anthony on 0418 589 910 or just turn up at the Lindisfarne Motor Yacht Club.


On Water Demonstration Days
Come and experience the on water performance, and feel the SURTEES difference!
Ulverstone Oct 16th - Ulverstone Boat Ramp
Call Deegan Marine 64252238 to book your demo ride NOW!!!
Deegan Marine - We take Tasmania boating.

Kayak Paddle Day

It's hard to make a decision on which boat to buy if you have never paddled a kayak before. Maybe your only experience in kayak is in one of those slippery white water boats that roll over if you look sideways. The large range of recreational and touring kayaks offered at Tassie Tackle and Outdoor cater to all skill levels from the rank amateur to the seasoned Sea Kayaker. Come along to the Trevallyn Dam Boat ramp.

For safe, relaxed paddling with experienced kayakers on hand to ensure your enjoyment and offer advice. Paddle a range of boats and enjoy BYO BBQ lunch to top the day off (BBQ Facilities on site). Kicking off at 11am on Sunday October 10th weather dependant, bookings are essential.
All safety equipment and kayaks provided, just bring yourself.

Test paddle day Saturday 9th October --- Turners Beach 1.00pm.
Test paddle day Sunday 10th October --- Trevallyn Dam 11.00am.
Bookings essential so we can make sure you get a paddle.
Phone Tassie Tackle and Outdoor on 6431 6500.

Latest web stories from the IFS

If you would like to follow up on anything here or other stories, please contact me by mobile  or email.

Go whitebaiting in the next five weeks!
The Whitebait season opened last Friday 1 October for six weeks, closing on Thursday 11 November. Early reports from the North West indicate that the runs are patchy and the fishing is slow. However Inland Fisheries Inspectors interviewed around 60 whitebaiters over two days and most were happy with the fishing despite the low catch rates.

Pieman River 2nd / 3rd October 2010

Hi all, we had 2 fantastic days of perfect weather on the Pieman river, no whitebait in the river yet so we didn’t even spot a sea runner splash.

Lake Leake October 3rd, 2010

4.45 am this morning saw myself jumping out of bed and heading to Lake Leake for a spot of early morning wind lane fishing.

Whitebait regulations for 2010

A whitebait licence is required to take whitebait but does not give
the right to take or retain any other fish. A person who has not
attained the age of 10 years is not eligible to hold a whitebait
licence. A person may not hold more than one whitebait licence at a
time and a licence cannot be transferred. A whitebait licence does not
permit the sale of whitebait. It is an offence for a person to have a
whitebait net at or near an inland water, unless the person has a
whitebait licence and the particular water is open to whitebait
fishing at the time.

Seasickness - You have or will suffer

Shane Flude
There would be few people reading this magazine that have
not suffered at some stage to some degree with seasickness.
Sometimes referred to as Mal de mer, seasickness is a form
of motion sickness and statistics show that 90% of people
will suffer from some form of motion sickness during their

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