Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Report from St Helens

After a week of stormy weather, big swells, and floods, the weekend's task of finding fish was always going to be hard work. We were greeted by water looking more like pea soup than bluewater open ocean. The stained water extended out to 3 mile. Large masses of uprooted floating seaweed inshore made lure trolling very frustrating, the only answer was to head wide. Large striped tuna were very plentiful, but the albacore a bit slower due to conditions on the day. A decision was made to put in a solid cubing and jigging session which produced in excess of 35 yellowtail kingfish, some of which were released. Water temperature reached 18 degrees celcius, very healthy, so with hopefully a little less rainfall this week, we can look forward to cleaner ocean surface and some good fishing.
Rocky Carosi.

St Helens Mako

Thought I might give you a report from fishing at St.Helens on the weekend. We fished Saturday afternoon looking for some tuna on the 100 metre mark, but found them scarce, trolled for one and a half hours and did not turn a reel All the fresh run off from all the rain was evident, water discoloured to a fair way out, certainly would not help matters, so we decided to go for some tasty flathead We headed in to 50 metres of water between St.helens point and the island and caught a couple dozen, so we were happy to get a feed. We talked to other fishos about how they went and they reported that action was slow, with only a couple of albies and stripies to show for a few hours trolling.

St Helens Gamefishing report

Gamefishing off St Helens continues to produce consistent results in the area of tuna numbers, especially albacore close in around 2-4 miles from shore. Last weekend albacore and striped tuna were prolific, with our largest albacore Saturday 19th March at 22 Kg on a small skirted trolling lure. Water temp is around the 17-18 degrees. The key is to look for the deep blue colour water edging up against the greener grubbier water. Saturday produced a 27 Kg yellowfin tuna on Merricks reef, with other similar fish being hooked up the same day.

Win a pallet of beer in the Iron House Challenge

The Iron House Challenge, this Easter Saturday, 23 April is an event designed to cater for all levels of sea going anglers ranging from the 40 foot plus charter boat to the beach launched tinnie.
Run from White Sands Resort at Iron House Point just south of Falmouth it promises to be fun for all.
The fishing rules for the event are also simple so as to enable a wide range of anglers access. It does not matter if you use a hand line or a $1500 electric reel, so long as you fish legally and the fish is caught during the competition hours you can be a winner.

Click Read More for the full poster and Entry Form.

Media Statement released 18th March 2011 - Govt Raids Fishwise Community Trust Fund

The state government looks set to continue to raid the Fishwise Community Trust Fund to pay government salaries to the tune of over $160,000 in 2010/11.
The Fishwise Trust Fund was established to provide critical funding for research and community projects which support recreational fishing in Tasmania. Funds for the Fishwise Community Trust Fund are allocated from around $1.2 million worth of recreational marine fishing licences sold each year.

Four Springs Christens the New Boat

A 4lb Rainbow Trout caught by our Grand Daughter Jemma at Four Springs Lake near Westbury on Monday. Jemma christened the new boat at Four Springs today...couldn't get the grin off her face all day. Black and Gold Hawk Chunk was the lure of choice again.
Regards, Richard

Click Read More for the full size picture

Latest update from the IFS March 2011

Latest Anglers Access Project completed on the Meander River

The latest Angler Access Project has been completed for the Meander River under funding from the Inland Fisheries Service and Federal Government, provided through Anglers Alliance Tasmania. It follows the other successful river access projects on the River Leven, Brumbys Creek and the Lake, North Esk and Macquarie rivers.

St.Helens Report March 12 2011

Fished Saturday hoping to get onto some albacore this time and got plenty with no stripies this time. Caught around 17 all around 2 kilos average weight.
They were all caught on the 100 metre mark.

Four Springs Report March 12th 2011 

Presidents Jim and Virginia McKenna gave us a ring this morning inviting my son (Jacob) and I to Four Springs this afternoon for a couple of hours using soft plastics.
We arrived around 3 o’clock just as some anglers were getting off the water, they told us that the rainbows had been on top for most of the day and had three each to show for their efforts.. These were caught on caught on both fly and plastics.

News from IFS March 2011

Latest Anglers Access Project completed on the Meander River
by Sarah Graham
The latest Angler Access Project has been completed for the Meander River under funding from the Inland Fisheries Service and Federal Government, provided through Anglers Alliance Tasmania. It follows the other successful river access projects on the River Leven, Brumbys Creek and the Lake, North Esk and Macquarie rivers.

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