Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

The track leading to Double Lagoon in the Nineteen Lagoons area of the Western Lakes is now open.

Source: Published on Dec. 23, 2019 

ifs willow warriorsHi Willow Warriors,

Just getting in touch to wish you all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. If you have been with the Willow Warrior for a while now, thank you for your contributions to the Tyenna River Recovery Program in 2019. If you are one of our new members, I look forward to meeting you at an upcoming event. Its been a fantastic effort this year and we are close to completing the primary willow control and planting works at the Westerway Raspberry Farm. Upstream efforts were kicked off in late November by the Clark’s from Raspberry Farm who organised local Westerway residents to remove willow upstream from the bridge in Westerway with the help of the Derwent Catchment Project. You may have already see their efforts, which have really improved river access from Westerway.

We have also completed our planning to start control of the most upstream willows and work downstream over a 10 years with the aim of eradicating willows from the Tyenna. I will be in touch in the new year with Willow Warrior working bee dates for February and March in the Maydena area and share these draft plans if you are interested in providing input. We have been successfully with a funding application to the Community Environment Grants that, along with the funding from the Fisheries Habitat Improvement Fund, will support all our planned restoration works on the Tyenna for 2020.

fisheriesSchool holiday fishing clinics

Looking for an activity to get the kids out of doors these school holidays?

Free fishing clinics are being held in January at local jetties around the state from Dover to St Helens to Devonport. All ages and abilities are welcome.

New fishers learn basic skills like setting up a rod, casting, how to measure your catch and to fish responsibly. Rods and gear are provided.

Dates and details

2019 12 14 The only rainbow troutcaughtWith the lower back and hips not feeling all that good this morning I thought I'd have a break from river fishing for a few days to give the body time to recover from a couple of tough river trips two days ago. Then seeing how good the weather was and with some windy conditions forecast again I decided not to rest up but to go a chase a few trout in the upper Mersey River again.

After placing eight heat pads on the lower back & hips and taking a few pain killers I was on my way, this trip wasn't in the same area where I caught ten trout from eighteen hook ups a few days ago, it was further downstream from there.

The weather this morning was absolutely beautiful, probably the best day for some time with no wind, clear skies, it couldn't have been better. It was around 7:05 am when I hit the dead flat glassy crystal clear waters on the Mersey, the first thing I noticed was trout surface feeding on small Mayfly duns and midges.

2019 12 13 The ever reliable Stone Fly BugspinnerFeeling the effects this morning of the long stint in the upper Mersey River yesterday I was going to have a rest day then when I saw how overcast it was I just had to go chasing trout. Trout fishing in these conditions is what I like best and I couldn't sit home and let it pass me by. After taking a couple of pain killers and placing several heat patches on the lower back and left hip I was on my way to the lower reaches of the Mersey River.

I did think of heading to another area in the upper reaches but with the body being on the sore side I thought it best to go closer to home. As I approached the river I spotted several trout surface feeding in a wide slow flowing stretch of water, perfect for a fly fisher, not so good for the spin fisher such as me.

2019 12 12 Brown trout taken on the White Miller BugspinnerWild windy weather is going to hit later today and it's going to hang around for the next few days so I thought I'd better get a spin session in before it arrives. When I arrived at 9:05am the first thing I noticed the water level had risen by around three inches which was great to see, yesterdays much needed rain did the job.

The rise in water level meant the trout should be in a aggressive mood with any luck. With the water being higher meant I could also use the anti-kink today and my spinner of choice was the Mepps #00 White Miller the same lure that caught thirteen of the fourteen trout a few days ago. The tannin coloured water was only marginally darker so everything was looking good for a spin session here today. By the time I had my wading gear on and hopped in the stream the wind had arrived, even though it was still sunny the air temperature wasn't all that warm.

All the lobster samples from the Storm Bay/Bruny Zone collected on Sunday 1 December have paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) levels below the maximum permitted level for safe human consumption.

Under the Rock Lobster Monitoring Program decision protocols, the Storm Bay/Bruny Biotoxin Zone can open as scheduled on:

· Saturday 7 December for the recreational fishery; and

· Tuesday 10 December for the commercial fishery.

As detailed in the 2 December biotoxin update, all other biotoxin zones in the East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone will open as scheduled.

Check up on the rock lobster rules before you go fishing.

rock lobster 2019 12 07

Rock lobster biotoxin update


Majority of East Coast Stock Rebuilding Zone to open as scheduled. Storm Bay/Bruny Zone returns high PST results - there may be a delay in opening.

As part of the Rock Lobster Biotoxin Monitoring program, rock lobster samples have been collected by IMAS and an independent contractor from the Central East, Maria Island, Lower East and Storm Bay/Bruny Biotoxin Zones.

2019 11 14 10000 meppstas holding his 10000th trout croppedToday is the day I'm going for my 10,000th Tasmanian wild trout since we moved here back in March 2000 & I'm going to catch it in one of my favorite tannin waters. Looking through a few of my past trout seasons records I found that these tannin waters fished extremely well at this time of the season so that's a good enough reason to head there. It proved correct yesterday when I fished a new tannin water, the trout were there and pretty aggressive and with cooler weather and recent rains they'll be on the take today.

2019 11 13 Not big but in beautiful conditionAfter having around 5-6 mms of rain and with the morning being quite humid I thought a trip to tannin waters would be well worth it this morning. I was just about to leave when the rain arrived again so I had to sit around for an hour before heading off. This trip involved a long walk and plenty of bush bashing to reach a new tannin water, one I came across while looking around on Google Earth. With nineteen trout still needed to be caught for me to reach a milestone of 10,000 Tasmanian wild trout I thought the change to a new water may help bring it that much closer and maybe a little quicker.

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