2016 02 15 Lovely coloured Meander River brown taken on Gold Black Fury smallFourteen trout caught in tough conditions 15/2/2016

The forecast wasn't all that flash today with winds reaching 45-55 kph during the day and I had intended to have a day at home after hearing that report. It was 7.30 am and the wind here in Sheffield wasn't all that bad so I quickly got into my fishing clothes and headed of to the Meander River to have a session before the wind picked up. After a forty five minute drive I was in the river flicking the little black fury around by 9.00am. There was plenty of smoke from the bush fires being blown across the area too, it was really thick and this wasn't going to make the day any easier either. It seemed more like 8.00pm it was that dark here and it wasn't all that warm, in fact the air was quite cool.

Whale shark escapes nets of Geelong Star factory ship without harm, authorities say

From the ABC

Geelong StarTrawler Geelong Star kills 'small number' of fur seals during fishing trip off NSW

From the ABC


Life StrawThe Life Straw, an essential part of my river fishing

I'm not one for carrying backpacks or drink bottles when river fishing as I like to fish as light as possible. This small item is an essential pert of my river fishing.. it's called the Life Straw.

Here's what I carry with me at all times when trout fishing the rivers since suffering a severe stomach & bowel infection from drinking the water direct from the rivers here in Tassie.

2016 02 12 Black fury Meander River brown Meander aBack into the trout after a week's lay off. 12/2/2016

After a week's lay off from lower back & hip problems I finally felt good enough to head off to the Meander River for spin session. Well, that was after my weekly (every Weds.) dose of around 40+ injections that help to keep me trout fishing the rivers. I had wanted to have an early morning stint but that didn't happen. I didn't hit the river until just on 3.00pm. When I arrived the sun was full on the river and the wind was howling from the north, not only that the river was running low and crystal clear. I wasn't too fussed about it because it was just great to be able to get back into a river again. 

REVO SPIN FAMILY REVO MICRO SITEAbu Garcia has launched an Australian Revo micro site

The Revo Micro site is designed as an educational tool and explains the tech in Revo reels. It’s a very cool and technical site and includes aussie video content.
Attached is a PR document with micro site details and Revo spin family.

Revo Australian Microsite
Aggressive, modern, durable. Discover why anglers around the country are talking about the Next Generation of Revo spin reels from Abu Garcia.

The Science Show

The Science Show describes the algal bloom and East Coast closures.

ABC Radio National The Science Show

2016 02 05 Mersey brown Weegena aBack to reality on the Mersey River today 5/2/2016

Now that the Mersey River has dropped to a safe wade-able depth I decided to have an afternoon session on it. I thought that with the rain we've had it may be just what was needed to bring it back to giving up a few nice fish. I headed on up to Weegena and after a 35 minute walk through the bush d a few paddocks I was soon in the river flicking the little black fury around. It only took five minutes if a fast water run before I had a nice medium (390 gm) size rainbow take the spinner. It wasn't long before I had this well conditioned fish in the net, quick photo and it was soon on it's way.. Things were looking good catching a fish so early into the session and a rainbow too, something I haven't caught in the Mersey since November last year.

Lessons Learnt

by Joe Riley - Presented from Issue 91
Some time ago, in fact while I was away at the World Championships in Poland, the Editor, Mike Stevens received an email from a reader asking the following. ‘I was only just thinking today that of all the magazine’s I’ve read, I’ve never read an article on how competition anglers differ from us recreational guys. If they have three hours on a given stretch of water or lake, how do they approach it? What skills do they have that we lack? My hunch is they’re much quicker at zeroing in on what the trout are doing, where they’re feeding, what they’re feeding on etc. I suspect I try a certain fly setup or location or depth for too long.

Todd Lambert's Season 2010/11 review

Todd Lambert's season 2010/11 review - Presented from Issue 91

Todd Lambert offers this reflection on five of Tasmania’s more popular fisheries and how he as an ‘everyday angler’ felt they performed. Below is his season 2010/11 review.

Even though most of our Lakes and rivers are about to close, there are still a few trout waters remaining open for those keen enough to venture out in a cold Tasmanian winter, but for the majority of us it’s time to sit back, turn our interests to other things and reflect back on the season past.

Copper black fury catches another brownGreat day with twenty five trout caught 4-2-2016

I had intended having a 6.00am start on the river this morning but I didn't hit the river until 10.00am for some reason. Had a bit of trouble getting the body to loosen up today was half of the problem. With the sun high and full on the water I wasn't sure if the trout would be on the take in these conditions. Well they were on, with the very first cast I had a small brown take the copper black fury. Two casts later in the same run I had another small brown in hand. The sun on the water isn't going to be a problem at all by the looks of it. The next three stretches of river all gave up 6 fish ranging in size from 240gms up to 360gms. I had also hooked and lost four others in those runs too, so with eight caught from 12 hook ups I was still pretty satisfied with the fishing so far.

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