2016 03 10 Trout No 600 for the 2015 16 trout season Mersey RiverMersey River gives up trout number 600 - 10/3/2016

With light drizzle on the way this afternoon I thought I would give the Mersey River a quick session at Kimberley. I haven't fished here for quite some time as the fishing went right off. I'm hoping to pick up at least three trout today to bring up my 600th trout for the 2015/16 season. Once there I found the river to be running very low and crystal clear, being a dull over cast day it didn't really bother me all that much. In fact I thought it would probably be a good day to fish here. I headed down to a fast water run that always gives up a few rainbows and I'm hoping it will again today. I started off with a small copper black fury flicking it up and across the river and letting it drift with the flow as I slowly retrieved it. It took ten minutes of working this run before I had my first sign of a trout. It just sat some 3'' behind the spinner and followed it without any sign of aggression at all. It was off with the black fury and on with the F-3 Rapala rainbow pattern to see if it would entice the trout to take it. I spent another ten minutes in the run without a sign of that trout, so I moved on.

2016 03 08 Trout number 15 for the daySlow start, but a good finish 8-3-2016

Humid conditions again today saw me heading off to the Meander River this afternoon in the hope of adding a few more trout to my season's tally. I thought I'd try a different area today, one that's fished reasonably well on other trips. Started off using the copper black fury without any success, then tried a Rapala, and after that a black bladed black fury. All I could manage over the first 600 meters of river was two follows and one light hit & miss. Things weren't looking all that good and I'm thinking it's not going to be a good day on the river. 

2016 03 07 Lucky find 1Top day on the Meander River 7/3/2016

After a three day break from trout fishing I thought a trip to the Meander River would be the place to get back into it. Conditions today were how & humid which makes for good fishing, but also is a drain on the body. I started off in a nice fifty meter fast water run and using a black bladed black fury I had caught & released eight browns from nine hook ups by the time I reached the end of it. The river is still higher than normal due to Hydro Tasmania running the power turbines at Huntsman Dam, this has really helped make the fishing much better than usual. Things went a little quiet over the next hundred meters or so as the trout were only following the spinner and weren't showing any signs of aggression.

Fast water best place for fishing at the moment. 3-3-2016

Headed back for another spin session on Meander River this afternoon (3.15pm) in what was pretty warm conditions. It was still pretty humid and boy there was some heat in that sun. I was fishing the fast water on the Meander River and with the sun full on the water it was like I was standing in an oven. Not a breath of wind to be had either. I used the black bladed black fury today given the bright conditions and clear water. It wasn't too long before I had my first brown take the spinner and five casts later I had another two browns caught and released.

Dr Sarah Richards Presentation to Anglers Alliance Tasmania at the February 2016 GM

Attached to this link is a PDF of the presentation from Dr Sarah Richards

2016 02 25 Solid river brown aShort sharp session yields eight browns - 25/2/2016

After having 23mms of rain yesterday I thought I'd check out a river that runs through a friends property around 15 kms from Sheffield to see if it had risen enough to have a spin session.. It had risen by a couple of inches and was just fish-able in my opinion.

TrakkerTonic sets bold new trends for 2016

Tonic Polarised Eyewear, Australia’s leader in high performance sunglasses, is setting bold new trends for 2016 with its latest frame styles and a super-cool new Photochromic Grey glass lens.
Tonic’s new Trakker and Rise frames combine Tonic’s signature VistaView™ de-centred lenses and adjustable IntegraBridge™ for maximum viewing comfort all day long.
IntegraBridge™ features soft-feel pads which follow the contours of the frame when retracted and can adapt to a wide range of facial contours.
Trakker and Rise join Tonic’s ever-growing selection of styles that are just as much a fashion item as a high-performance fishing accessory.
Photochromic Grey glass is the perfect complement to stylish new frames, and to other Tonic unisex styles such as the smart Torquay and elegant Cove.

Geelong Star Whale Shark scandal deepens, Thursday 25 February

The Stop the Trawler Alliance today expressed disgust at learning the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) have withheld important information from the Australian public about the controversial Geelong Star incident where a whale shark was caught.

2016 02 17 Another solid Meander River brown Meander a500th trout in another tough day at the office 17/2/2016

The forecast this morning (Weds) was for the winds to be easing off so I had decided I would head off later in the afternoon to see if I can crack the 500th trout for the season. Well, by 2.30pm here in Sheffield the wind had dropped right off to a nice light breeze which I was happy with. I was soon on the road heading on over to the Meander River once again. Trying another area quite some distance away from where I have recently been fishing. I arrived at the river just on 3.30pm to be greeted with another howling gale. I just couldn't believe it and did seriously think about turning around and heading back home. Not being one for giving in easily I decided I'd give it a go even though the wind was blowing straight down the river. Catching the nine trout required to reach the target wasn't going to be easy at all.

2016 02 16 Meander River brown on black fury aAnd I thought fishing was tough yesterday 16/2/2016

Headed off again this afternoon for another spin session in a rocky fast water stretch of the Meander River that's fished very well on my previous trips here. When I arrived the weather wasn't all that bad. The wind was a little gusty but nothing to worry about as I could see it wasn't going to effect my casting all that much. The river was reasonably sheltered from the wind too which made it that much easier. The first fifty meters was a little quiet as I just had the one hit and miss. Then over the next eighty meters I caught three nice browns. I'm thinking to myself I'm going to have another good catch of trout in this long fast water run again today. Then all hell let loose, the wind suddenly picked up a blew a gale. It was howling and there were small branches, twigs, leaves and all shapes and sizes of bark flying everywhere. I knew then it was going to be very difficult fishing from now on. This is as tough as I have ever experienced when fishing a river in these conditions.

Scamander River Bus Tour Saturday 27th February 2016

9am Scamander Surf Lifesaving Club, Dune St.
1000s of fish died in this famous black bream river last winter. Water testing detected low oxygen levels, probably due to exceptional natural conditions.
The PDF flyer is here

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