2016 02 05 Mersey brown Weegena aBack to reality on the Mersey River today 5/2/2016

Now that the Mersey River has dropped to a safe wade-able depth I decided to have an afternoon session on it. I thought that with the rain we've had it may be just what was needed to bring it back to giving up a few nice fish. I headed on up to Weegena and after a 35 minute walk through the bush d a few paddocks I was soon in the river flicking the little black fury around. It only took five minutes if a fast water run before I had a nice medium (390 gm) size rainbow take the spinner. It wasn't long before I had this well conditioned fish in the net, quick photo and it was soon on it's way.. Things were looking good catching a fish so early into the session and a rainbow too, something I haven't caught in the Mersey since November last year.

I had just started to move into the next fast water run when I noticed a small group kayaking their way down the river, not something I was hoping to come across so early into my fishing. Well they were right across the fast water banging and bouncing over the rocky river bottom and more than likely scaring the hell out of every trout in the river. I knew then my day was probably over and done with. I worked my way upstream trying my hardest to catch a trout, but there wasn't a sign of a fish in the three hundred meter stretch of fast water. I fished another four hundred meters of river and all I managed to catch was one small 310 gm brown. That was the only hit I had in all of that distance too and the only fish that I had seen over that distance. I felt I was just wasting my time here today, besides I'd also had enough of the slipping and sliding on the very slippery rocky river bottom. Even with spiked felt soled wading boots it was still tough going, so after a couple of ripper sessions in my past two trips during the week it was back to reality today.



Good flow in the Mersey River after some decent rainfall.

2016 02 05 Good Flow in the Mersey


First rainbow for a long time Mersey River Weegena

2016 02 05 First rainbow for a long time Mersey River Weegena


Mersey brown Weegena

2016 02 05 Mersey brown Weegena


Mersey River at Weegena

2016 02 05 Mersey River at Weegena


Smoke filled sky Mersey River at Weegena

2016 02 05 Smoke filled sky Mersey River at Weegena


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