Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Information from
 Come and see hundreds of brown trout on their annual spawning migration in Tasmania’s central highlands.

Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 May 2016
10am – 3pm daily
Free entry

There is something for the whole family at Trout Weekend, its not just for anglers!

We won’t beat around the bush, we know you’re busy. It’s the National Week of Action against Super Trawlers, so tell your local wannabe politicians that super trawlers and all the terrible destruction they bring to local fisheries, fishing and marine life, are not on. Here’s how - It’s easy!

We have asked Federal candidates a number of questions and will publish the answers here and in Tas Fishing and Boating News.
Those questions and information sent are in the following links.
Letter to Federal Candidates PDF and WORD
Candidates email addresses:

2016 05 01 Another brown that fell to the Mepps Meander RiverHere's my 2015/16 trout season report & stats.... This was the third best season that I've had since moving to Tasmania.. It was a pretty good season considering how dry it was here in Tassie, I reckon I did the right thing by concentrating on the two rivers that have a regulated environmental flow on them all throughout the year. They were the Mersey & Meander Rivers. The ** Dasher river which is close to home always fishes well early season and a day after a dose of 20 mms or more later in the season. The fish weren't over large this season as the rivers are still recovering from the dry seasons and the influx of cormorants we had three years ago. But they are on the way back which is good..

Trying to warm little Lucy upThe rain did finally ease off and I did go for a fish in a small river close to home on private property. After walking around 800 meters through the paddocks then being chased by around 20 young bulls, I finally made it to the river which was just the right height for a wade. Then from nowhere up popped a little Shihtzu dog that was wet, cold and frightened as ever. I knew it was lost and I just couldn't leave the poor little thing there so I picked it up and carried it back to the car. Had to go back via the river as not to be chased by the bulls again which were following us all the way back to where I could get back into the paddocks. I was glad there was an electric fence between us.

2016 04 29 Mersey River rainbowNot a breath of wind with as just a sprinkling of light rain had me darting off to the Mersey River this morning. A session that I'm hoping will last a while before the rain gets heavier and sets in for the day as forecast. The forecast is for 15-25mms across the North of the state today which is very much needed. This will also gives the rivers a lift that should bring the trout on over the last two days of the season which ends at midnight Sunday 1st May.

2016 04 28 Mepps gold black fury Mersey River brown

Low cloud and light rain had me setting off to the Mersey River again this morning in what were ideal conditions for trout fishing. This time I was fishing at the top bridge which is around three kilometers upstream from where I fished yesterday. It wasn't one bit cold this morning, probably because it was 10.00am before I was in the river. Today I'm using the #00 gold black fury, only because it's the spinner that's already set up on the rod I'm using today. I'll change it if need be.

2016 04 24 Gold 00 black fury brown trout Meander River

Woke up to hear that it was going to be 21 degrees here in Sheffield today, then when I looked outside there was just a full on pea soup fog to be seen. I had decided yesterday that I would fish the Meander River as I thought with only seven browns needed to reach the 800 trout for the season then this river would be my best chance of doing it. Once there I had a one & a half kilometer walk through thick fog to where I was going to enter the river. It's just as well I know this area like the back of my hand as visibility was pretty low when I headed off through the paddocks. By the time I reached my entry point the fog was a little lighter and the river was like glass, there wasn't a breath of wind. I love fishing in these conditions as eerie as it is.

2016 04 23 Wild rainbow trout Mersey River

Headed off again this afternoon for another of those late spin sessions I've been having lately on the Mersey River. The conditions were perfect once again with very little breeze and clear skies. I started off with a rapala in a deeper run before moving onto the fast water stretches. It worked out reasonably well as I did manage to pick up two nice browns on it.

Articles re-published from

Rock Lobster Season Closing Soon

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