2016 04 29 Mersey River rainbowNot a breath of wind with as just a sprinkling of light rain had me darting off to the Mersey River this morning. A session that I'm hoping will last a while before the rain gets heavier and sets in for the day as forecast. The forecast is for 15-25mms across the North of the state today which is very much needed. This will also gives the rivers a lift that should bring the trout on over the last two days of the season which ends at midnight Sunday 1st May.

I hit the river just on 8.30 am just as the rain became a little heavier for a short time only before it eased right off. I used the gold black fury just as I did yesterday and was soon onto a nice 360gm rainbow that took the spinner just as I was about to lift it from the water and recast it. Luckily I had the drag set light as it peeled some ten meters of the thin 4 lb mono line from the reel. It didn't take over long before I had this lovely coloured 'bow in the net. Like all my catches, this one was soon back in the river after a photo. A little further up the river and I was onto a nice medium size (360gm) brown that put up a decent battle in the fast water for it's size. With two trout already caught in the first twenty minutes it looked like it was going to be a good mornings fishing.

The rain became heavy once more and things went pretty quiet until it eased off to a light drizzle some 15 minutes later after drenching me. I noticed a few trout started to jump and others were starting to surface feed in the slow flowing sections, so the rain was getting the trout up and about. The next fast water gave up another two browns with the best one going 520gms, this was a well conditioned male and beautifully coloured too. Just after releasing it the rain came in again, this time I could see it wasn't going to let up. This sent me packing back to the car and back to Sheffield. The best thing about today is that we are finally having a reasonably good dose of much needed rain. I was happy to get two hours in on the river before it set in too. With three browns and a rainbow caught & released it was worth getting wet.


Damp and dull conditions Mersey River

2016 04 29 Damp and dull conditions Mersey River


Mersey River

2016 04 29 Mersey River


Tail end of back water

2016 04 29 Tail end of back water


Mersey River rainbow

2016 04 29 Mersey River rainbow


Solid Mersey River brown trout

2016 04 29 Solid Mersey River brown trout

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