Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Christmas with Phil Z

Got a few pics for you to have a look at from a few days fishing with my family over the xmas break.
We fished off the Tamar Heads with Dave Smith and Mick Day looking to get onto a mako,we got a small one to the boat around 20 to 30kg. Tried to get him to eat a fly, but he just kept swimming past it. Thought for sure he would take it, but not to be. He picked up the baits that Dave and Mick had on, only to drop them after short runs, wouldn’t swallow the time.

Eddystone 30/12/2012

I was up at 1.30am picked up my mate Andrew from Lilydale and then headed to my nephews place at Pipers River, where we changed vehicles and left by 3am. No one at the ramp on arrival and we thought this could be either good or bad.
With that in mind, we launched the boat and headed to one of our stripey spots. First one “no go” so we moved to the next spot where we picked up six, so we decided to try the other spot that was close by and caught the rest. We also caught some Jackass Perch and Ocean Perch.
There was a Mako swimming around the boat about 70 kilo’s, so threw him a bait which he took, had him on for a while until the trace broke,.. so off he swam for next time.
All in all nice little trip back at the ramp by 11.30am.
Cheers Craig

Swansea Report 30/12/2012

Went to Swansea today with a couple of friends, chasing bream on lures. We arrived at 8 am to 5 knots of wind and had our first bream in the boat within 10 minutes. By the end of the day we would have caught 40 or 50.

Lake Augusta 30/12/2012

I had grand plans to get up at 4am this morning and fish the wind lanes at Lake Leake. I must be getting soft,... as I chose "'Plan B.'" Plan B” was to sleep in and head to Lake Augusta at around 9am...a much more civilized option. As I was heading up, I passed Johnny Dekkers coming down the hill; he was on his way home from Penstock where he managed a couple of quality fish.

Recreational Fishery Closures (from )

The area closed to commercial and recreational rock lobster fishing on Tasmania’s east coast has been increased to include waters from Eddystone Point to Waterhouse Island.
Laboratory test results received today (Fri Dec 21)confirmed that rock lobster sampled north of the closed area on December 15 had now been impacted by toxic alga.


Headed to the Meander River this morning with a forecast for thundery showers on and off during the day. It wasn't too bad when I left Sheffield just a light spit of rain now and then but nothing to put my plans for a spin on hold at all. Arrived at my spot on the river and found the river was low and very clear, which I didn't mind because there was very heavy cloud cover and it seemed like it was 8.30pm and not 8.30am. Boy it was dark! As I started to spin my way upstream I could here the rumble of thunder in the distance and then was hit with some light drizzle. Not sure what spinner to use for starters I decided to stick with the black bladed # 00 Aglia Mouche as this has worked really well for me in the last few trips to the rivers. Had a follow and a light nudge with the first few casts but no hook up until I had moved on 30 mtrs further and then hooked and landed a nice solid medium size (320gms) brown trout.

Situation report on East Coast Algal Event Emergency Closures 19/12/2012

A situation update dated 20 December is now available on the Emergency Fishery Closures webpage at
Eddystone Point to the southern end of Marion Bay will remain closed to recreational rock lobster fishing for the time being - this means the area will not be opened before Christmas/New Year.
Recreational fishers who are considering heading north of Eddystone Point are also encouraged to keep up to date with public health warnings and status of the fishery.
The recreational abalone fishery opened from 14 December 2012.

Lake Leake Report17/12/2012

Our neighbour Rodney decided to take myself and my brother Connor out in the boat on Lake Leake for a couple of hours. While out on the water, there was a fair NW breeze blowing. We trolled up the Big Timber Shore. We were getting a few hits; I then changed to a different Tassie Devil lure. My lure wasn’t even in the water 5 minutes before I was on! It was a nice little brown measuring 30cm, which is a nice pan size!

Mersey Forth Water Management Review

The latest edition of the Mersey Forth Water Management Review Newsletter is available at the Hydro Tasmania’s website at or in hard copy on request.
Regards, Mersey Forth Water Management Review Team

Mersey - Hatch & Release

A couple of weeks ago I was taken to the magical Mersey river by Daniel Brandenburg
In the 25 odd years I have been angling I have never once stepped foot into this system.
The plan was to fish a different part of the river, but after getting the "good oil" from a local Mersey River guru late Saturday night on where the best Caenid hatches have been, it was clear we was heading to a different area, which went something like this......

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