Christmas with Phil Z
Got a few pics for you to have a look at from a few days fishing with my family over the xmas break.
We fished off the Tamar Heads with Dave Smith and Mick Day looking to get onto a mako,we got a small one to the boat around 20 to 30kg. Tried to get him to eat a fly, but he just kept swimming past it. Thought for sure he would take it, but not to be. He picked up the baits that Dave and Mick had on, only to drop them after short runs, wouldn’t swallow the time.
We got some salmon out of Grants Lagoon at Binalong Bay on Yep Red Nut hardbodies. Fished out wide from St Helens on one day that it wasn’t blowing and managed some flathead, latchet, gummy shark, morwong, arrow squid, dogfish and plenty of those red gurnard.
Fished in Georges Bay and got onto some salmon, nice size trevally and Bailey even caught a big toad - all caught on softies.
Bailey also had a go off the shore at a lagoon at Scamander looking to catch some bream, but did no good He saw a couple of horses but spooked them.
Heading up the lakes next for a couple of days so will have a report from there when we get back.