Tasmanian Carp Management Program 2011-12 Annual Report

Thanks to all that have assisted us over the past twelve months. Please find attached the Tasmanian Carp Management Program 2011-12 annual report.

Regards - Chris

Latest Stories from the IFS website

Tasmanian carp eradication program taken to the international stage
The success of the IFS Carp Management Program has drawn some very positive international attention, with many countries keen to learn from our experience and expertise.

IFS Stocking News

Lake Kara was stocked today with 450 Atlantic salmon averaging 2kg, the fish were donated by Saltas from Wayatinah.
Brushy Lagoon was stocked with 500 rainbow trout averaging 2.5kg on Thursday, the fish were donated by the Springfield hatchery.
Regards John Diggle
Director of Inland Fisheries

Conference highlights rec fishing importance

21 Aug 2012 - By Jim Harnwell
THE importance of recreational fishing to the Australian economy, as well as the role anglers can play as "stewards" of marine and freshwater environments, were among the issues discussed at the National Recreational Fishing Conference, held on the Gold Coast on the weekend.
Read the complete story here


With Liberal Support Could Be the Death-Knell for Super Trawler

Paul O’Halloran MP
Greens Member for Braddon

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

The Tasmanian Greens today welcomed moves by Senator Peter Whish-Wilson to move for the Senate to reverse the decision by the Australian Fishing Management Authority (AFMA) to lift the small pelagic fishery related quota which has enabled the proposed super trawler FV Margiris operation.


Please visit the new links on the main menu at the left. Select the text above for the East Coast (Syd-Hob) and the text below for a detailed map of TAS. Selecting their logo takes you to their main website. IMOS is described at their website as:

Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) was established in 2007

Trout Weekend, Liawenee 2012

The annual Trout Weekend at Liawenee held on the Saturday and Sunday the 19th and 20th of May was as popular as ever this year, with over 4,000 people braving the keen highland weather over the two days to enjoy a range of different attractions that make this event a must-see on the Tasmanian angling calendar.

Closed season and options

During the first week of June Inland Fisheries Compliance staff booked two anglers for fishing in a closed water, one at Four Springs Lake and one at Brumbys Creek. Anglers are reminded that most inland waters remain closed until 4 August 2012. There are however quite a few options for those who wish to get their fix of winter fishing. Eight lakes remain open; Great Lake, Lake Burbury, Craigbourne Dam, Lake Barrington, Meadowbank Lake, Brushy Lagoon, Lake Pedder and Huntsman Lake.

IFS Website Update

This week the IFS launched an updated version of its’ website. The address is the same but the look, I think you will agree, is a much needed modern view. Please take some time to familiarise yourselves with it.  Note that by clicking on the News section there is an easy option to go through older news stories. Currently the stocking  and other databases are running from a redirection to the old site, you can access this from the box under the Buy A Licence box. Click on the “waters data base archive” and you will be presented with access to our databases, which will work as they have previously. See http://www.ifs.tas.gov.au/

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