Marine Discovery Weekend

I thought you might like to know about our Marine Discovery Weekends coming up - this weekend in St Helens!
We're working with local councils and businesses to put these activities on at really inexpensive prices, to help people explore our amazing marine life and have fun on the coast. More info and tickets are at

Check out the poster below and please pass it on to anyone who might be interested.

Marine Coordinator 
Environment Tasmania 

Below are the latest stories from the IFS website (since 22 January 2013) from oldest to latest. Click on the headline to take you to the stories. 

Fisheries Compliance - Australia Day Long Weekend
Over the Australia Day Long Weekend Inland Fisheries Officers patrolled many inland waters across the State. The objectives of the patrols were to ensure recreational angler compliance under the ...

MAST Flare Nights

Mast has been busy around the boat ramps over summer as well as doing Flare & Safety nights around the state. Recently we have been to Wynyard and last night, Wednesday 26 February, we were at Montrose Bay Yacht Club where 54 turned out in better conditions than the last time we were there.
Next Wednesday night, the 5th of March, we will be at Tamar Yacht Club where we hope to see a big crowd. The best so far this summer has been 124 at Kettering Yacht Club in December. Last year MAST ran 38 flare demonstrations around the state.

Anglers Alliance Report

Click here to read the report Anglers Alliance Report

Amateur fishers reminded to give dolphins a chance

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Recreational fishers have been reminded to check their nets regularly for bycatch after a grisly find at Eaglehawk Neck earlier this week. A young dolphin with its tail severed and other injuries that appeared consistent with net entanglement was discovered on the Tessellated Pavement and reported to the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
DPIPWE wildlife biologist Rachael Alderman said fishers need to be aware of the potential for marine mammals and seabirds to become entangled in unattended nets.

Carp Report 2013

Please find below the quarterly Tasmanian carp report for the end of 2013.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Chris Wisniewski

Australian Fly Fishing Museum

Ever thought of giving something back to the community? Yes I am talking about volunteering.
The Australian Fly Fishing Museum needs volunteers for the Clarendon site - just out of Evandale in Northern Tasmania.
It is a pretty easy job and a knowledge of fishing or fly fishing is not a requirement. Training is provided. If you do have an interest in fly fishing all the better.

Latest stories from the IFS website (since December 2013)

They are listed from oldest to latest. Click on the headline to take you to the stories.

Circular Head Landcare Group: important notes for fishermen – Ricegrass program 2014

Ricegrass is an invasive species which colonises mudflats and estuaries. It clogs up channels, and destroys habitat for wader birds and breeding grounds for fish such as flat-head and flounder.

Latest stories from the IFS website since November 2013, from oldest to latest.

Click on the headline to take you to the stories.
Little Pine Lagoon Lakeside Reserve upgrade

Inland Fisheries Service has assisted Parks and Wildlife Service to install new reserve signage at Little Pine Lagoon. The signs are in the new Parks blue and white colour palette and replace the ...

Latest from the IFS

Below are the latest stories from the IFS website (since September 2013) from oldest to latest. Click on the headline to take you to the stories.

An upgrade to Austins Ferry boat ramp -The popular,well used boat ramp at Austins Ferry has recently received a significant upgrade. The new pontoon was jointly funded by MAST and Glenorchy City Council at a total cost $102,000...

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