by Sarah Graham
Many anglers are preparing for the opening of the new angling season on Saturday 7 August and it's shaping up to be another good one with the fishery in excellent health as a result of last year’s drought breaking rains. There are many great fishing locations around the State from which to choose for the opening weekend and early season fishing but here are a few suggestions.
Everyone has an important part to play in preventing the spread of the current abalone disease outbreak.
Precautionary measures have been put in place including the closure of the recreational abalone fishery at Bicheno. This means it’s now an offence to take abalone from this fishery.
Everyone is strongly encouraged not to dive, fish or boat in this area. If you do, you must clean your boat and disinfect any diving, fishing and other gear before leaving the area.
This is a free email subscription service by Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment providing information on what’s happening in Tasmania’s sea fisheries.
by Sarah Graham IFS
Increasing water levels bring the risk of flooding, floating debris and submerged obstacles - Keep a look out!
Joint Inland Fisheries, Parks & Police, Raids on properties in the North West result in charges being laid
by Sarah Graham
Inland Fisheries, firearms and drug offences were detected during a series of raids on several North West properties last week in a joint operation involving Inland Fisheries, Tasmania Police, and Parks and Wildlife officers.
Joint Inland Fisheries, Parks & Police, Raids on properties in the North West result in charges being laid.
Hi all,
Just a quick note to let you know that Brushy Lagoon has just recently had 30 Rainbows to 3kg and 330 Atlantic Salmon up to 2.5 kgs put in it by Sevrup Fisheries.
by Sarah Graham
Special Event and Junior Water Stockings
An increasing number of angling clubs are encouraging young people to get into trout fishing. Some run regular events for junior members and have a dedicated junior angling water.
Date | Species | Number | Age | Weight (g) | Origin Stock | Type | Water |
12/11/2010 | Rainbow trout | 2500 | Fingerling / Yearling | 110 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Dee Lagoon |
11/11/2010 | Brook Trout | 80 | Adult | 1200 | University of Tasmania | Domestic Diploid | Brushy Lagoon |
11/11/2010 | Tiger Trout | 180 | Fingerling / Yearling | 120 | University of Tasmania | Domestic Diploid | Brushy Lagoon |
10/11/2010 | Rainbow Trout | 2500 | Fingerling / Yearling | 120 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Dee Lagoon |
27/10/2010 | Rainbow Trout | 2400 | Fingerling / Yearling | 100 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Meander River |
20/10/2010 | Brown Trout | 750 | Fry | 0.3 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Lake Botsford |
20/10/2010 | Brown Trout | 375 | Fingerlings | 0.3 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Emma Tarns |
20/10/2010 | Brown Trout | 750 | Fry | 0.3 | New Norfolk | Wild Diploid | Carter Lakes |
by Sarah Graham
There are a couple of interesting things happening on the Carp Management front at Lake Sorell. For instance, Professor Peter Sorrensen, from the USA has been working with the Service in the carp pheremone trials at Lake Sorell which are being conducted at the moment. And there have been some interesting findings about the behaviour of juvenile carp, which have been observed to favour different habitats in the Lake compared with the adult fish. I will follow up with these stories over the next week or two.
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. The number in Brackets, eg (13) is the number of articles. Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Presented from Issue 105, August 2013
Bob is a professional fishing guide and guides for trout and estuary species. Check him out at
There are several things we look for in our early season trout waters. It is still winter and cold, so some of the things to consider are: Altitude as this dictates the water temperature and therefore feeding activity. Food for the fish. Availability of trout food is generally dictated by the quantity and quality of weed beds.
Quantity of fish.
Three waters which I believe fit all three requirements are:
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