Latest Stories from the IFS website

Tasmanian carp eradication program taken to the international stage
The success of the IFS Carp Management Program has drawn some very positive international attention, with many countries keen to learn from our experience and expertise.

The American Fisheries
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Meander River Access restored.A popular access point upstream from Knights Bridge, on the C 732 Westwood Road, has been restored. Access has been blocked since the start of the season due to a log jam approximately 200 meters
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More vandalism in the highlands
Vandalism has occurred at Lake Catagunya boat ramp at Wayatinah. Signs have been shot at and trees destroyed, including driving steel spikes into the trees to hang tents on and rubbish has been left
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Vegetation clearing on Brushy Lagoon Road
Due to the popularity of Brushy Lagoon in response to recent stockings IFS engaged contractors to slash roadside foliage to improve road safety and lines of sight. This will be welcome news for
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Also recent stocking of brook  trout and Atlantic salmon at Brushy Lagoon and Lake Waverley (Junior anglers only). See the stocking database for more information.

Tim Farrell

Senior Fisheries Management Officer

Fisheries Management and Planning

Inland Fisheries Service

17 Back River Rd.

New Norfolk Tasmania 7140

(03) 6261 8035

0439 617 680

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