Opening of the 2010-11 Trout Season

The 2010-11 angling season starts on Saturday 7 August, with the traditional opening of brown trout waters. Rainbow waters will remain closed until Saturday 2 October this year.

Get a Licence!
You require a current angling licence to fish at any open inland water in Tasmania (including farm dams on private property), except at a registered private fishery where you generally pay to fish. You can purchase or renew an angling licence by visiting a licence agent (at major tackle stores or any Service Tasmania shop). Licences can also be purchased or renewed online at
Angling licences range in price from a full season adult licence at $66.50 to a short term weekend licence for $20. The full season licence offers anglers the best value for money; being a 12 month licence with the opportunity to fish every day of the year; and with significant discounts for juniors (80% less at $12.00), pensioners (45% less at $36.50) and seniors (25% off at $53.00).
Other benefits include the convenience of being mailed a renewal form each year before the start of the season, which contains a durable licence card. The Service also targets full season licence holders with information and special offers such as the automatic entry into competitions to win prizes. This year, we are repeating the offer of free entry to the Salmon Ponds on presentation of a full season licence card and also a Voucher, mailed out with the renewal notice, for a free weekend licence to ‘Take a Mate Fishing’.


IFS News - Hatchery Report

by Sarah Graham
This Hatchery Report covers the work of the IFS hatchery staff during April. It covers the collection of brown trout ova and grading of fish to complete the stocking of remaining waters in the annual wild brown stocking program.


IFS News - Tassal Salmon Donation

by Sarah Graham
Tassal recently donated over 1000 large male Atlantic salmon for recreational angling. The IFS stocked Craigbourne Dam and Lake Meadowbank with these 3-4 kg fish.
Tassal recently donated over 1000 large male Atlantic salmon for recreational angling. The fish were ex brood stock, now surplus to requirements, and as Phil Adams from Tassal said, “We don’t need them and it’d be a shame to waste these magnificent fish!” The fish which weighed 3-4 kg were stocked into Craigbourne Dam (740 fish) and Lake Meadowbank (300) in the past two weeks

Lake Barrington May 2011

Caught this at Lake Barrington one Sunday.... on a hard body diver right hard up against a bank on the western side of the lake. Pretty happy with the results nice calm day fishing with my brother and father.
From Daniel Costelloe
Click Read More for other pictures !

Great Lakes Easter 2011

We decided to go up to the Great Lake on Easter Saturday.  We went out on the same evening but to no prevail.
Woke up nice and early on Sunday morning about 4-30 am, we were down at the ramp by 4-45am but was too dark to launch the boat straight away so Matthew decided to go and have a spin off the end of the ramp, three casts later he had nailed a nice three pound brown.  Started fishing about 5-15am, we ended up with three for the morning.  A very well conditioned rainbow weighing about three and three quarter pounds and a nice triploid brown four pounds.

Schouten passage Easter 2011

by Todd - Jim, Virginia and myself left home at 7am this morning with high hopes of getting onto a few.
Arrived at Swansea around 8.30ish only to find the boat ramp at dead low tide....nowhere near enough water to launch the boat.
Back in the car and off to Saltworks road, conditions perfect so we went straight out to the passage.

Four Springs Easter 2011

by Rose and Vic. I hope everyone has had a great Easter. We are busy getting ready for Agfest so not much fishing, almost withdrawal symptoms.
So yesterday we went to Four Springs it had a little chop on the water and was overcast. Victor chucked the plastics around and managed to get a couple of nice browns.  I of course fly fished and caught a beautiful rainbow, fat and lush.

 Beauty Point Easter 2011

Trev, his mate Ryan and I spent the afternoon at Beauty point, there were plenty of cockies about .....Had a bit of fun on the softies.
Regards, Dale Howard.

Click on Read more for more pictures.

Report on fishing at St.Helens over Easter 2011

Fished Sunday afternoon with Glen Round in Georges Bay and had a ball catching cocky salmon and some mackeral on soft plastics. The fish were feeding on white bait, caught most in bay near the scout hall. My brother Steve caught a couple of trevally behind oyster leases also on softies. Today fished with Glen, Steve & Bailey and headed out around 9.30am and fished till around 1.30pm. We fished south of St.Helens Island and down to Pulfers reef and caught a few striped tuna in 50 mts of water,they certainly were in close. We also got onto some nice flathead, gummy shark, morwong, barber perch, wrasse and gurnard We lost a good striped trumpeter which was disappointing. A couple other mates fished on the shelf and caught some albacore, gemfish and blueye trevalla,albies only small. The water temp on the shelf is only a bit over 16 degrees. It certainly has dropped. We hope everyone had a good Easter.

Australian Fly Fishing Team Fundraiser

Fun and Fund Raising Evening for the Tasmanian members of the 2011 Australian Fly Fishing Team
You are invited to an evening of fun and fund raising to support the Tasmanian Members of the Australian Fly Fishing Team who are competing in the 2011 World Fly Fishing Championships in Italy.

Rock Lobster Fishery Draft Management Plan

Summary of Proposed Changes – April 2011
A draft management plan has been prepared for the rock lobster fishery. The table below summarises the proposed rule changes. Public comment is now invited on these proposals. Please click on this link for full details.
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