Schouten passage Easter 2011
by Todd - Jim, Virginia and myself left home at 7am this morning with high hopes of getting onto a few.
Arrived at Swansea around 8.30ish only to find the boat ramp at dead low tide....nowhere near enough water to launch the boat.
Back in the car and off to Saltworks road, conditions perfect so we went straight out to the passage.
A few small gummys and wrasse.....not much else, win some, lose some.
Speaking to locals at the ramp, they had been out most of the day for 15 flathead and a morwong, and only caught 6 flathead yesterday...they said things have been very quiet.
Anyway, on the upside, we had Dolphins around the boat, (see attached pics) schools of mackerel busting up around us and old Sammy the seal even popped in for a visit....the scenery wasn't to bad either!!!
Anyway, gotta go... flathead in egg n breadcrumbs for tea!!
Back to work tomorrow...bugger!!!
cheers, Todd