Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Salmon into craigbourneToday we stocked 130 Atlantic salmon in Craigbourne Dam. The fish averaged 1.2 kg. The dam is full and fishing well with the adult brown trout and smaller rainbows it has received over the past few months providing lots of action.

There is also, of course, one remaining $2 000 tagged brown trout after the other was caught last week. For more information go to Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion.

More salmon stocking is planned in the coming week in other waters. Keep an eye out on for up to date information.

We would like to thank Tassal for supporting anglers with the donation of Atlantic salmon.



derbyWhile in Derby, David Fraser, decided to take a young family friend, 8 year old Kaiden, for a quick fishing lesson at Briseis Mine Hole close to the centre of town. Before they started David looked Kaiden in the eye and said “if we catch the tagged fish we are going halves”. Kaiden looked David back in the eye and shook his hand.

David and Kaiden were casting green and gold Ashley spinners along the back shore not to far from the floating sauna. They were starting to get a bit cold but David encouraged Kaiden to stick with it have a have few more casts. That’s when David hooked a good fish. After a strong fight the fish was near the bank where Kaiden, like a pro, shot out the extension handle on the landing net, ducked down the bank and the big brown trout was soon landed. They could see that the trout had an orange tag and was one of the $2 000 fish released as part of the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion.

There was much excitement from the two anglers, so much so that people came out of the sauna to see what was happening.

The two are going to share the prize and David noted that Kaiden’s casting had greatly improved. He is hooked for life!

Fifty tagged brown trout have been released into waters around Tasmania for the 2021-22 Angling Season. Each tag is worth $2,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service (*conditions apply).


Len and Hilton Howard enjoy their time fishing together. Len is 82 and Hilton is 68. On Wednesday they headed to Craigbourne Dam on the word that the fish were biting. They launched their boat and were trolling lures around the lake. In the deep water off the dam Len hooked a good fish and after a fight Hilton netted it for him. Hilton said “Len is a bit unsteady on his feet in the boat, so I helped him net it. We didn’t see that it had an orange tag until I was cleaning it at the ramp. Len did let out a holler when I told him ”.

The fish has been confirmed as one of the two tagged trout released into Craigbourne Dam. The brothers are going to share the prize money and will use it for a trip to Adelaide as they like travelling.

Fifty tagged brown trout have been released into waters around Tasmania for the 2021-22 Angling Season. Each tag is worth $2,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service (*conditions apply).

Rex Meikle and
one of the $2 000
tagged trout from
Lake Leake 

Rex Meikle loves fishing Lake Leake so much he has a shack there. On Tuesday afternoon, just on dark, he was fishing from a drifting boat with his mate Barry in the area where the Snowy River enters. Using a wet Woolley Bugger fly, fishing in shallow water, Rex hooked and landed the catch of the day. A $2 000 brown trout was in the boat.

Rex doesn’t have a mobile phone so he had his mate Harvey contact IFS and the fish was confirmed as one of the three fish released into Lake Leake as part of the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion. While speaking to Rex’s wife Robin, to get details, she asked us to remind Rex that their 50th wedding anniversary was coming up and that the prize money was timely!

The brown trout fishing season is now well underway and there has been lots of great fishing reported. With recent rain and more forecast the major rivers are in flood.

This makes for great bait fishing conditions. Trout have just returned from spawning and are hungry to put condition back on after the winter. They will seek out newly flooded river margins in search of worms and other food that has been washed down in the flood.

Side pockets of slack water off to the side of the main current are the best spot to try. Especially in spots where farm drains or small creeks enter the main river. Trout will move to these spots and search for food.

Use the smallest sinker possible to cast, or even better no sinker. Fish your bait inert with an open bail on your reel and wait for the tell-tale movement of the line! It is important to give the trout a bit of time to swallow the bait properly and hook itself.

The Mersey River around Kimberley, the Leven River at Gunns Plains, the Meander River, the mid to lower reaches of the South Esk River and the Macquarie River are all worth a visit and will provide good fishing. Tight lines.


Lake Echo is likely to reach a good water level in spring due to the power station being shut for refurbishment, winter rains and snow melt. Currently at 6.5 m below full supply level the water will soon exceed the highest level of last season (- 6.0 m). When the lake fills further the shallow edges in Brocks and Teal bays along with the Surveyors Marsh area will provide good visual fishing to tailing fish and flooded terrestrial feeders. The water level needs to get to about - 4 m below full supply level for the action to start happening in close. To monitor water levels go to

In the mean time there have been reports of good fishing along the deeper western shore amongst the dead trees. This area is ideal for lure and bait fishing from the shore and floating a dry fly as the weather warms.

All three boat ramps at Lake Echo (Dam wall, Middle Echo and Large Bay) are now usable. Boat ramp locations and other information for anglers can be found in the Anglers Access brochure or the Infish app.


lake leakeLast season, Lake Leake was one of our standout waters. Good numbers of large fish were caught using all methods. The lake has been spilling over winter and level is still be high.

The Inland Fisheries Service has transferred 1 200 adult wild brown trout and stocked 2 000 yearling rainbow trout into Lake Leake since early May. These will have settled in well and be eating the stick caddis, scud and snails that are commonly on the menu for trout in this lake.

Shore based angling options are reduced when the lake is spilling but even fishing from the pontoon near the dam wall was productive last season.

Water temperatures are low in August which can force fish to feed on deep weed beds. Anglers trolling on the outside of submerged timber will have success. The eastern side of the island and up into Snowy River Bay is a good area. Rainbow trout are common when trolling ‘wide’ but running along any drop off will increase your chances of catching a large brown trout.

In mild weather, brown trout will move into shallow water. Fly anglers should fish around structure with large woolly bugger patterns. Lure fishermen will do well with shallow running hardbodies and lightly weighted soft plastics. Casting from a drifting boat is the best tactic.

During cold weather, lures and flies will need to be fished more slowly and fewer fish will be found in the shallows. In this case, both fly and lure anglers need to get down to the top of the prolific weed beds that are abundant in the lake.

The 2021/ 2022 season is likely to be another good one for those fishing Lake Leake. The lake always fishes at its best before Christmas and August is the perfect time to get to know it. Those who spend a good deal of time on the lake will surely be there on opening weekend and during the months that follow.

There have also been three brown trout released into Lake Leake as part of the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion. Each trout is worth $2 000.

Source :

tagged trout

Michael Deppeler decided to take his kids, Lucy and Liam, for a fish on Sunday afternoon out on the River Derwent. They launched their boat near New Norfolk, and began to troll lures as they headed down the river. It wasn't long and Lucy saw one of the rods bend. When they reeled in the brown trout they noticed a orange tag below the fin. Michael contacted IFS and the fish was confirmed as one of the three fish released in the River Derwent as part of the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion.

Fifty tagged brown trout have been released into waters around Tasmania for the 2021-22 Angling Season. Each tag is worth $2,000* to the angler that returns the fish to the Inland Fisheries Service (*conditions apply).

The waters and number of tagged trout released are:

Designated water

Number of tagged trout released

Arthurs Lake


Briseis Mine Hole


Bronte Lagoon


Craigbourne Dam


Curries River Reservoir


Huntsman Lake


Lake Burbury


Lake Leake


Lake Mackintosh


Lake Parangana


Lake Pedder


Lake Rosebery


Lake Rowallan


River Derwent


yingina / Great Lake


The tags are orange and have unique identifying details.

For more information and full Terms and Conditions go to


 trout opening 2021

Marcus Collins (11 yrs) and
Jaxson Collins (8 yrs)
proudly showing their opening
weekend catch from
the Huon River at Judbury

Brown trout season 2021-22 kicked off over the weekend and what a weekend it was! The weather good (considering it is the Tasmanian Winter!) and the fish were biting well. Strong winter rains have ensured that our inland waterways are all at good high levels and this was reflected in the quality of the fishing.

Officers from the Inland Fisheries Service, Tasmania Police, Parks and Wildlife and Marine and Safety Tasmania teamed up state-wide. This was one of the largest multi-agency operations ever run over a Brown trout season opening weekend, culminating with a traffic operation in the Central Highlands organised by Tasmania Police.

Results from the patrols over the weekend include

Catch data from 51 inland waters was collected
821 anglers were interviewed about their fishing experience
479 Brown trout, 205 rainbow trout and 3 Atlantic salmon inspected
350 vehicles were stopped and checked
Multiple camps were visited on Parks, Hydro and Council managed land
Over the weekend offences were detected and dealt with under Inland Fisheries, Marine and Safety, Parks, Road Safety, Transport and Firearms Legislation. This represents a very successful multi agency approach to the opening of the brown trout season and Inland Fisheries would like to thank the other agencies for their support.


 curries rive 2021
A wild brown
trout from
Curries River

Located close to Georgetown on the Bridport Road, Curries River Reservoir is one of Tasmania’s many under-fished trout waters. The lake has received over 2 300 adult rainbow and 2 900 adult brown trout in the last two years. Recent rains have increased water levels, giving brown trout large bays in which to forage. This lake and the way in which the fish in it feed, provide opportunities for all methods of fishing.

Early season is a terrific time to fish on Curries River Reservoir. The weather is almost always warmer here than at most other fishing spots and fish feed heavily early in the fishing season.

A causeway that separates the smaller eastern side of the lake from the larger, western side, is a popular place for bait anglers. The water is deep close to the edge. Powerbait is often used to catch rainbows in this area of the lake but worms are more effective if you are wanting to catch the larger brown trout.

The most sort after food source for trout in Curries River Reservoir is galaxias. These small fish are prolific and enable fast growth for trout and provides exciting fishing. Anglers should keep an eye out for trout that is chasing these fish. Schools of galaxias are commonly seen rippling the surface before being preyed upon by large fish. This happens all over the lake and is common on calm days. Persistence and accurate casting pays off in these conditions.

Spin and fly fishermen should concentrate on using small to medium sized bait fish patterns.

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