Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Pirtek Challenge

You can win this boat by entering the Pirtek Challenge. Click here for more details St Helens Charity Grandslam raises $1660

The St Helens Charity Grandslam was run and won Saturday 29 January at the St Helens Regatta. Bigger and better than ever it raised $1660 for a charity that will be announced shortly. It will be announced here.
This amount was only possible due to the support of, Tamar Marine, Coastal Marine and the Rotary Club of St Helens. Their generosity is priceless and we sincerely thank them.

Arthurs Lake 2011-01-26

Thought you might find these photos interesting. Samuel and Jackson caught these fish at Arthurs Lake yesterday. We were going to take the boat but found out that the life jackets were all the way out at our shack! So we were forced to shore fish.

Lost Gear

Unfortunately I lost the following fishing gear when leaving Woods Lake boat ramp  the other day.
1 Strudwick four piece fly rod
1 Pro-angler  Guide Series Reel (Black) with flyline
1 Ari Fly Reel (Black / Gold with an orange flyline (in a light brown leather reel bag)
A reward is offered  if returned, Peter Quigley 0427631955 (mob) 63302612 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Year Stocking Update

With surplus fish stock available – from its own and some of the commercial hatcheries – the Service has been kept busy stocking both public and private waters since the New Year. This intensity is likely to continue over the following weeks as part of the annual stocking program set out in the Tasmanian Inland Recreational Fishery Management Plan 2008-18.

Community Service Announcement  from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG)

Everyone has an important part to play in preventing the spread of the current abalone disease outbreak.
Precautionary measures have been put in place including the closure of the recreational abalone fishery at Bicheno. This means it’s now an offence to take abalone from this fishery.
Everyone is strongly encouraged not to dive, fish or boat in this area. If you do, you must clean your boat and disinfect any diving, fishing and other gear before leaving the area.

St Helens Practice

Jacob (8) and Holly (7) from Richmond were getting in practice at Boomer Bay on Sunday for the St Helen's Grand Slam. This 450mm Leather Jacket gave Jake a good fight on light line, while Holly was content with a nice Cocky Salmon.

Click Read More for pictures


Coles Bay

Hi everyone, the holiday is now over so I have found some time for a report .
We had 15 nights at Coles bay and considered ourselves very lucky this year as each year we seem to have a disaster, last year my niece broke her arm and tore a tendon, the year before Trev was hit in the head with a cricket bat and knocked out.... we had a very fast trip to Swansea hospital!!!

Lake Leake 2011-01-21

They say an impending thunderstorm brings the fish on the bite......after today I believe it.
President Johnny Dekkers and myself left home at 4 am this morning so that we could be on the water just as daylight hit. After quickly launching Johnny's tinny, we headed out in search of feeding trout...we love this water because we know only to well that there are "nearly" always opportunities to cast to feeding fish in the windlanes that regularly form here overnight.

Tassie January 2011

by Dave Egan
Once again my annual trip to Tassie proved to be a fantastic fly fishing learning experience and heaps of fun despite tough weather conditions and some even tougher fish. For those lucky enough to live in Tassie you can pick your days to fish but for us poor deprived Mainlanders we have to take what we get and it isn’t always good what the weather gods dish out.  I have fished the central plateau for the last 30 years so I know not to expect great weather on all days every trip. At times the poor weather improves the fishing such as dull, overcast and cool Dun type days.

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