Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

About NOT fishing the Meander River

What a waste it was - a morning drive to fish the Meander River. It was a nice a day for fishing too. On arriving at the Meander about ¾ km above Barretts Bridge on Longridge Road I slipped into the waders and made my way down to the river bank. Just as I was about to slip into the river I could hear a noise coming up the river.

Coastal Catches 29/3/2012

I am not sure where this year has gone but I have just realised that Easter is only a week away. It’s usually a popular time to go fishing and I am sure that this year we be no exception.

Four Springs Report 1/4/2012

With today’s weather being as good as it was, I decided to head out to Four Springs for a couple of hours. I arrived at 9.30 am, and to be honest, with it being that late in the morning, I didn’t expect much in the way of any fishing action. Upon arrival, I was soon to realise my first mistake,... I didn’t bring my fly rod.

Laughing Jack & King William Report 27/03/2012

We headed out to Lake King William 27 March, with Dale and Trev Howard, leaving home at 6.30am. On the way, and since we were going past it, we thought we would have a look at Laughing Jack Lagoon as we had never been there before.

`Mersey River Report 25/3/2012

I received a phone call from Dale Howard yesterday, and in his usual unmistakable fashion he said, “whatcha doing tomorrow robot?” - (Don’t ask about the robot name), “because if you like, I will take you and our young blokes to one of my special spots on the Mersey for a couple of hours.”

Lake Crescent Report 25/3/2012

We went up to Lake Crescent today and fished from 12pm to 3.30pm with Bailey.
We had  heard reports that some good fish had come out of it in October and November around 2 to 3 kgs , but we also realised that a lot of effort went into catching them.

Sunscreen Protection

Tasmania’s sun can be deadly - get protection

Tasmanian fishermen and boat enthusiasts are in danger of irreversible eye damage and contributing to the Australia’s reputation for the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. This can be avaided by taking some rudimentary precautions
Australia’s has a unique climate with extreme levels of Ultra Violet Radiation (UVR). Our the love of the outdoors, and reluctance to embrace the ‘Slip Slop Slap’ mantra of the anti cancer council means two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. You are four times more likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer including melanoma than any other cancer.
Suitable protection of the skin against UV damage and regular skin checks can reduce the incidence of these cancers and early diagnosis can dramatically improve the outcome once diagnosed!

Coastal Catches 22/3/2012

I had a great moment this week when a customer came into the shop and told us about how he had taken his grandson out fly fishing at the upper Inglis river. His grandson had been practicing his casting and has become reasonably proficient. They were standing at a pool and grandfather asked grandson where he thought the biggest trout would be sitting, grandson points out the spot and puts a dry fly over the spot which is promptly engulfed by a 2lb trout which was duly landed. I think proud grandfather got a bigger kick out of this fish than grandson and it goes to show what a fantastic sport fishing is for families spending quality time together.

Bicheno Report

Went after a few tuna off the coast at Bicheno  today, had a great day out in the salt for a change, boating over twenty albacore with a couple of mates along with a good feed of quality flathead. The weather was quite good with a slight south east wind blowing but also quite bright but all in all just a great day with plenty of action....catch up soon.
President & ( Lake Leake) caretaker Mick

Mersey River Report18/03/2012

Unfortunately, work all weekend prevented Trev and I from heading off too far,... up until this afternoon, so as soon as I knocked off we headed up to the Mersey for a look.
Waders on and a quick walk downstream for about a kilometre, working our way back up to the car.

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