Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Back to Lake Pedder Competition

The Back to Pedder competition book and entry forms are now on the club website. Competition books will be in fishing stores within a couple of weeks. While you’re on the site take a look at the new photos and flare night video that have been uploaded to the site this week, more photos will be added in coming weeks.

Coastal Catches 14/9/2012

Last weekend was fairly typical of spring in Tassie. Wind, Rain, Sunshine and I hear there was some snow in elevated areas. You can use it as an excuse not to go fishing or you can just accept it’s just the way it is and go anyway. I know of a few who ventured out for a fish and most were rewarded with a trout for tea. It was certainly not a good weekend to head out into the sea.

Penstock Lagoon Proposal

Please read the attached letter from John Diggle, Director of Inland Fisheries

Letter to Fishing Clubs

Big Fish, Small Boats - Presented by Honda

At 6pm on One HD this Sunday 16 September sees the national premiere of an exciting new fishing show – Big Fish, Small Boats, presented by Honda. Here is a media release.

Balista Lures and LED's

Hi Mike,
We've just released a ripper video on marine research done by biologist Jamie Seymour.
Here is the link from Youtube:

Four Springs 9/9/2012

He is a quick report from the Tamar Marine guys ( Danny & Deano )
I hit the water with a mate Grant in his revamped boat and had a nice brown in no time on a plastic in the shallows. Dean, his son Matt and mate Josh came over and Dean had a nice rainbow and a brown.

I picked up another brown not far from last one and then we had a look around. Deano's boat didn't see anymore till his last cast of the day BANG on!..Great way to finish off a good day.

I managed to pick up my best near the death knock too,  a cracker brown (such good nick) over 5 lb .

Lake Leake Report 11/9/2012

We went back down to the lake once the rain eased off, I was fishing at the boat ramp with a “YEP Black and gold flapper” (Thanks Dale!!) And I had a small rainbow have a go at it, but it didn’t take it, I have about 4 more casts, let it sink, and felt a few hits, then it took the soft plastic! It put up a good fight. When I got it to the bank, the hook was not going anywhere, it was in deep! It’s my 2nd trout for the 2012/2013 season. And it’s not a bad size at, 47cm & 1.8pounds!

Samuel Evans – Lake Leake

Click Read More for photos

Celebration Rally

This rally is still going ahead, it’s now a celebration rally for anyone interested in attending.

Attached is a jpeg version of the A4 poster for the rally - feel free to print it, post it up and share it as much as possible. I have also included below a smaller sized version for use in emails or on websites.

Four Springs 7/9/2012

I went for a short trip to Four Springs today arrived at 8am on water by 8.30am. There was [lenty of wind and man o man was the water dirty, as I only fly fish knew it wouldn’t be easy. I started in one of my spots and within four casts I am on, only to lose it in the Tussocks.
I kept the same drift and had one more swirl at the fly but wasn’t looking. I then decided to go to the top of the lake for a drift with no success, so came back to where I started and within seven casts I was on and landed a solid brown.

Coastal Catches 6/9/2012

I had to go to Hobart last weekend and as I drove along the coast I was envious of the many people out in their boats. There were some good Flathead caught on the near perfect day. Sisters beach and Rocky cape were popular spots and a local told me that you don’t have to be very far out to catch good sized flathead.

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