Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Lake Leake 15/10/2012

Johnny Dekkers and myself fished Lake Leake today. Leaving home at 5am hopes were high that we may get some early morning wind lane wasn't to be. Although a bit chilly, conditions seemed almost perfect with an overcast sky and light winds. No insect life at all, just a light smattering of midge..not enough to get them looking to the surface though.

Great Lake Report 15/10/2012

I decided to have a look up at Elizabeth Bay today in Great lake. My young offsider, Shane from work has been at me to take him trout fishing for ages so I decided to take him up for a fish, Bailey couldn't be with us as he was too busy down at St.Helens fishing with my brother Paul and his son Nathan. They have been catching some nice salmon, bream and trevally I will try and get some pics for you later on.

Arthur River 14/10/2012

Trev, myself and a few mates headed to Arthur River for a day’s fishing. We left Launceston at 6.45 on Friday night and arrived there about 3  1/2 hours later to a nice unit and “more than ready for bed” after a big day at work. The others had a different plan and were well into the whisky. After a few laughs, 1.30 am soon came around and then it was finally off to bed. Trev and I awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking and after quick feed we were the first to head out onto the water making our way to the mouth of the river. Doug soon had one on a 4 inch softie but he only stayed on for a couple of seconds unfortunately.

Brumbys Creek 6/10/2012

On Saturday the 6th we got up at 3.00am to go to the first day of the Tasmanian Trout Expo. We got there around 7.15. We got our tickets and waited till we got the go ahead to find our spot then waited until it was 8.00. A few people had their first fish in the first 2 minutes. I ended up just putting my running sinker rig in an eddy but I didn't get anything. Nothing happened for the first half an hour till I thought i would check my bait. I found I had a small brightly coloured rainbow sitting on it, it would have been about 1.8 pounds but I dropped it.

Four Springs Report 5/10/2012

Went out for a couple of hours with a mate Fitzy. He came up with a few hits, but no fish. He also had a follow right to the boat just wouldn't take his T. Tail . I could only manage one nice brown a bit over 3 pounds.
Still a good way to spend show day afternoon.
Cheers, President Danny Jacobs

Bronte Lagoon and Little Pine Lagoon

On Sunday we went for a look at Bronte Lagoon. We were on the water about 10.30 am fished for 3 hours .
We got four, the fish were in good condition. Then packed up and went to Little Pine on the way home. We were there about 3pm left at 5 pm we got another five fish in good condition. We were using mainly Shreks. The fish in the Esky in photo are from Bronte.
The ones on the stones are from Little Pine. The weather and conditions were favourable, overcast and a slight breeze.
Regards Derek

Sea Fishing Guide Available Online

The 2012-13 Recreational Sea Fishing Guide is now available online.  You can pick up a copy of the Guide or buy your licence for the new season from Service Tasmania outlets from 15 October.

Kalangadoo Bay Boat Ramp

Connor and I went for a fish to the Lake last night, we were spinning off the rocks at the Kalangadoo Bay Boat Ramp. Connor hooked a nice little rainbow, but it got off. So we moved around to the grassy side of the bay, fishing off the ledge that is about 2.5/3foot deep, and Connor hooked another rainbow, and lost it. So we went back to the boat ramp and Connor had a cast, and he hooked this nice fat little rainbow, it was 36cm. He got it on a Berkley Black and gold soft plastic. The little trout bit the tale off his soft plastic. The trout seem to be going for the black and gold’s at the moment.

Samuel Evans  


DPIPWE Push for Low Flows Could Harm River

Tim Morris MP Greens Water Spokesperson,Thursday,27 September 2012
The Tasmanian Greens today raised concerns that DPIPWE had ignored its own scientific advice

Tasmanian Carp Management Program 2011-12 Annual Report

Thanks to all that have assisted us over the past twelve months. Please find attached the Tasmanian Carp Management Program 2011-12 annual report.

Regards - Chris

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