6 Bank fishing hotspots!

There is hundreds if not thousands of bank fishing opportunities available in Tasmania, however the poor old bank fisher gets left out in a lot of fishing location articles. Despite the size of some of Tasmania's lakes, such as Arthurs Lake and Great Lake, their smaller bays and relatively open banks can lend themselves to some easy access, exciting trout fishing opportunities. Here is six top bank-fishing spots for locals and visitors a like!

Atlantic Salmon At Large

Recently Atlantic salmon seems to be a very hot topic amongst local anglers, especially those in the south of the state in the D'Entrecasteaux area. Northern anglers should take a close look at the Tamar as there are opportunities here as well.  
The recent "great escape" has provided a perfect opportunity for fresh and saltwater anglers alike to experience some truly memorable sport. Tasmania's pristine, clean and cool waters are the perfect nursery for the Atlantic Salmon and as our local fish farms produce more and more fresh quality seafood it is a fact that there are going to be tangible consequences.

Fishing Highlights, August to September Daniel Hackett

The majority of Tasmanian fishers think of themselves as a relatively tough bunch, "any harder they'd rust', battling relentless snow, rain and sun (somebody has to do it). Despite the obvious ruggedness of the fishers in question, the battle hardened Taswegian trouter is more likely to be found tucked up in bed eating Nan's chicken soup during August and September rather then on the water. This is a pity because any time is a good time to go fishing, and August and September are no exceptions. Pack away your blouses, pull on a beanie and try a few of these highlights!

Liawenee Trout Weekend 

The Liawenee Trout weekend was a great success and was attended by a large number of anglers from all around the state. It was great to see so many brown trout in the fish trap and it proves what a fantastic resource the Great Lake is for trout fishing all around the state.

Early Season Trout Tips

As the start of the trout season approached the usual questions were running through most anglers" minds, Where to go for opening morning? Which lake is most likely to perform? What will the weather do? Etc etc. The truth is, although the weather hasn't exactly been kind, most lakes in the central highlands area have fished extremely well.

Casting Tips

Nine times Australian Casting Champion, Peter Hayes believes a little bit of work and concentration on casting techniques makes a lot of difference when fishing. "Good casters get to cover more fish more quickly, and consequently get more chances" he says.

Casting Tips

Nine times Australian Casting Champion, Peter Hayes believes a little bit of work and concentration on casting techniques makes a lot of difference when fishing. "Good casters get to cover more fish more quickly, and consequently get more chances" he says.

Jassid's - As good as it gets!

The Tasmanian fishing season has many highlights for the fly fisher. Early season tailing  trout, awesome mayfly hatches and unbelievable polaroiding on blue-sky days are probably what Tasmanian fishing is renowned for.

Huon Streams

While the Huon River itself is a fantastic fishery during springtime whitebait migrations, the smaller tributary streams are also well worthwhile.  Suitable waters can be found all along the eastern side of the middle to lower Huon.  The fish caught in these streams are usually small - really quite diminutive when compared to their lake inhabiting counterparts, but how often have you ever caught 50 fish a day in any of our lakes. 

Mid Sea-Run Season Report

Sea-run trout fishing this year got off to a cracking start in most areas, with the majority of anglers employing nearly every trout fishing technique to secure fish in local estuaries statewide.
Even those anglers fishing the "off-season" lower down in our estuaries for sea-trout commented on the number of fish moving in early August.

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