2017 12 06 IMG 5273With cloud moving in making conditions quite humid I decided to head on over to the Meander River for an afternoon session. The river was running some 4-6 inches higher than my last trip here which was back on Tuesday 28th November and it was little discoloured too. By the time I had walked 1.5 kms to the river it was 3:30 PM when I had my first cast with the little #00 gold Aglia into a long wide medium stretch of river. There was a reasonably strong North Easterly breeze blowing from behind me so I was getting good distance with the light weight spinner, I was reaching the opposite side of the river with ease. I used the cast and drift method and had my first take within three minutes, it was a nice solid 460 gram brown. After it making several runs and leaps I slowly led it into the net, once in it out popped the spinner.

2017 12 01 Plump Brown headWith the Australian National Fly Fishing Championships on over the next three days I decided to give the upper reaches a fish. I arrived just after 7:00 am in what was overcast conditions, no wind and it was quite mild, really good fishing conditions. I did have a tough 1.5 km walk ahead of me to reach my starting point which I reached just after 7:30 am. With the river running very clear I was in two minds whether to go for the hard body lure or my ever reliable little Mepps spinners. I decided to go with the Mepps, now would be a black or gold blade spinner to start with. I went for the #00 (1.5g) gold blade Aglia for starters to see how that would go, if it didn't then I'd change to the black one.

  • Lower East Coast Zone will open Saturday 16 December 2017
  • Results from rock lobster sampled from the Lower East Coast Zone indicate paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) levels are below the regulatory limit.
    The Lower East Coast Zone will open for Recreational and Commercial fishers:

for setting rock lobster pots from 17:00 on Friday, 15 December 2017; and

for rock lobster fishing and taking of rock lobster from 00:01 a.m. on Saturday 16 December 2017.


biotoxin 2017 12 15

fisheriesParalytic shellfish toxin (PST) levels in lobster samples collected last week from the Central East and Maria Island rock lobster biotoxin management zones are still very high and well in excess of the regulatory limit of 0.8mg/kg. The highest results were 7.1 and 5.5 mg/kg. Whilst this is a decrease from the peak levels recorded 5 weeks ago (30 October), a much greater reduction will be needed before the zones can be re-opened for fishing.

2017 11 28 Close up of wild brown trout Meander RiverWell I did manage to hit the Meander River just on 6:40am this morning in what was beautiful calm cool conditions. The river was running at a nice height with very clear water, there were a few insects out and about as well as the odd trout on the rise. I started off with a gold Aglia and picked up a solid 450 gram brown in the first ten minutes of fast water fishing. The flowing stretch of water was a wide deep slow piece of river so I just worked the spinner down the shallow left hand side of it where I had a solid hit but missed it. It was all quiet over the next couple of stretches of river until I reached the top end of the second run after changing over to the small ghost brown hard body lure.

Coming December 1st! Berkley is giving you a chance to win BIG throughout December and January!
Participate in the Berkley Catch More Fish Competition for your chance to WIN a flight to Sydney for you and a mate for a day fishing on the harbour with Michael Guest (valued at $5000).

In addition, Berkley will also select a WEEKLY WINNER and the best picture of the week will WIN a $400 Berkley prize pack.


2017 11 15 6 Plump rainbow trout Mersey RiverAnother warm day was forecast with gusty Nth Easterlies again with a late change and a chance of rain and thunderstorms had me in two minds if I should go fishing this morning. I was awake at 4:00 am and just laid there listening to the radio before I got up at 6:30 am to get myself ready to head of to the upper Mersey River on private property. Once out of bed I was feeling very sore again from yesterdays late afternoon session in the river and the lower back & left hip weren't all that good. I decided I'd have a bit of breakfast and take a few pain killers then head off at around 7:30 am.

2017 11 14 Nice Mersey Rainbow headStill a little sore from doing some gardening etc over the weekend and having the Monday off from fishing I made the decision to go for a spin session in the Mersey River after lunch today. I was in the river at 1:30 PM in what was bright warm sunny conditions, the sun full on the clear water and a gusty North Easterly wind blowing. I started off with a small ghost brown hard body and had a take on the very first cast, the reel screamed for a short time before a solid rainbow leaped from the river and tossed the lure. I couldn't set the hooks because I hadn't adjusted the drag on the reel and that's why the rainbow tossed the lure.

2017 11 10 Aglia and Mersey River brownOvercast, no wind and mild weather conditions had me in the Mersey River by 6:35 am this morning and the first thing I noticed was the trout surface feeding. They were spread out in most sections of the river sipping down the little midges that were floating down the river. I thought nothing of it really because that's what I saw on my last trip to the Mersey River & thought I was in for a tough day but caught & released 22 trout. Well, how wrong was I on this trip because it took me just on an hour before I had my first trout in the net, a nice rainbow taken on the aglia gold spinner.

2017 11 08 Close up of Mersey River rainbow troutWarm weather forecast with a cool morning saw me having an early start in the Mersey River this morning in what was beautiful conditions. I was in the river by 6:45 am and picked up a nice 530 gram rainbow with the Mepps gold Aglia in the first small fast water I fished. The next run of water I'm moving into was a long wide run that's close to one and a half kilometers in length and has a few small fast water runs in it too.. It was here I changed over to the ghost brown hard body lure to fish this clear water. As I approached this stretch of river I could see several trout surface feeding so I thought I may be in for a tough session if the trout are concentrating on surface feeding.

Flare Drop Off Post November 2017Do you have an "out of date' flare ?

Please check this poster for locations.

Date - 25th November 2017

Time - 10:00 - 2:00pm

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