Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

117 winter break fillet garfishPresented from Issue 117, August 2015

Where to go and what to do?

Just how lucky are we to live in a naturally beautiful and safe place like Tasmania?

It is school holiday time and I am lucky that I have been able to schedule a full week off my work to take the kids on an adventure somewhere. So where should we go? Just a relatively short drive in any direction can take you to some terrific places. Should we go back to Wynyard where we caught bucketfuls of magnificent squid at this time last year. But then again, maybe we should take the camper with the dingy on the roof back to Bruny Island where we had such fun catching tuck loads of Salmon the last time we were there? Then again there is always Strahan and that magnificent wild ocean beach to explore !

My daughter suggested we sneak around the east coast and maybe we could work out a win/win deal where all our needs could be met. My son is mad about fishing a nd my daughter is mad about surfing. Let’s go to St Helens I said.

117 weymouth flatheadPresented from Issue 117, August 2015
The editor Mike Stevens has asked me to write a short article about an underutilised fishery that we has recently become more accessible.

Opening out onto the waters of Bass Strait, the Weymouth area has long been acknowledged by those in the know (the locals) as one that produces quality recreational angling opportunities.

Up until recently and given the unpredictability of the predominate NW winds many avoided launching from here. The main obstacle was the substandard boat ramp and this troublesome facility often resulted in damage to expensive boats when launching or retrieving. Weymouth ramp upgrade

Thanks to a recent MAST upgrade the Trevor Street launching facilities are a huge improvement. Finished in early April 2015, these issues have to a large degree been addressed and this area now offers much safer accessibility for those who wish enjoy a day with family or mates.

A late cancellation has resulted in there being just a few spaces available for the upcoming Girls Gone Fly Fishing event at Hayes on Brumby's Lodge, Cressy, Tasmania. 

This special event will be held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of March. All accommodation, tuition, meals and airport transfers are included in the 'live in' cost of $900.

This will be the 5th year of this highly successful event and we are very excited to have Heather Hodson from the USA as our guest presenter at this years event. See her bio here.

There are limited opportunities for 'Live in' attendance and day attendance opportunities for those living locally.

Click here to book your place on this remarkable event.

Read about a successful compliance outcome at:

Christopher Bassano reviews last season and gives some tips for the upcoming season.

Presented from Issue 117, August 2015

Every season I am asked about various ‘fishing events’ or changes that occur through different months of the year. Many people are surprised to hear about the different options that we have. You may be surprised, but some of the best fishing over the last seasons has NOT been during summer.

Last season, the early season was the best I have known and generally I find pre-Christmas is better than after. The timing of your fishing may be determined by when you can get the time, in which case, the presence of tailing fish or sea trout or massive trout will not affect your fishing dates.

For other people, the option of doing something different, going somewhere new or trying a particular style of fishing or fish may require a change in their fishing schedule.

Here is a two year summary on how I have found the fishing in Tasmania.

The Walls of Jerusalem NP is now under a soft closure….the advice on this as follows:

Due to the current fire situation and worsening forecast conditions for later in the week, walkers are asked to suspend all trips to the Walls of Jerusalem from today (Wednesday 30 January) until further notice.

Please make alternative plans.

Walkers currently on the Walls of Jerusalem track are safe and do not need to evacuate. These measures are being taken to reduce the number of walkers on the track should conditions worsen on Thursday, Friday and into the weekend.

To stay up to date on developments please refer to the PWS website

For the listing of Track & Reserves closures refer to

And for the latest Facebook posts

Kind Regards

Paul Flood
Acting Ranger in Charge
Great Western Tiers Field Centre
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service
PO Box 13 Deloraine Tas 7304
General Enquiries: 1300 TASPARKS (1300 827 727)
Direct Ph: (03) 6701 2102
Mobile: 0429 635 182
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

117 kayak jo
Steve Starling is
relieved that all
went according to plan.

Jo Starling shares some tips on fighting big fish from a kayak.

Presented from Issue 117, August 2015

The thought of fighting giants from a kayak is enough to raise the pulse of any angler—but you should never pick such a fight without a battle plan. No matter what critters you choose to chase, Jo Starling reckons this strategy will give you a fighting chance. Recently, Steve and I embarked on a journey across western NSW and South Australia with the sole purpose of landing a goliath Murray cod from a kayak. We run a couple of Native Watercraft models and really wanted to test the Propel® units’ reverse capabilities against a hefty structure magnet. Whilst not everyone chooses the same ‘yak, the prior planning and preparation that went into this trip is relevant to anyone hoping to mix it with worthy adversaries in structure. For the record, the Propel® unit brained it… let me tell you the story.

2018 12 15 The one and only trout caughtVery wet & windy weather was the forecast here today, well by 2:30 PM I was sick of waiting for it to arrive so headed over to Merseylea for a short spin session. As soon as I arrived so did the rain, thankfully it was only light and wasn't a problem. As the time passed by so did the rain, the trout were few and far between here too. All I could manage was three hook ups for just the one small brown landed. Another one had its revenge with me as I went to lift it from the water it tosses the lure which in turn sliced through my finger. All good in the end as I always carry a small first aid kit in my vest for this very reason. I often have to yank a treble hook from a lure that has embedded itself in a finger or some other part of my hand from time to time.

2018 12 13 Beautiful rainbow troutWith overcast damp conditions today I headed over to the Mersey River, soon as I arrived (5:45am) I saw trout surface feeding in the wide slow flowing water. Seeing that always means I'm in for a tough session & as it turned out it was just that. I still flicked the Mepps spinners & a few hard body lures around in the slow flowing water for just the one follow. Heavy rain was forecast for later in the day, at the moment it was just a light drizzle on and off which I didn't mind. I decided the only place I'll catch trout today was the fast water runs, that's where I headed.

Published on Jan. 10, 2019 at

Before and after shots of the area treated by manual slashing. AAT executive member John Broomby admiring the work.
On Tuesday 8 January 2019, we went with Anglers Alliance Tasmania to Four Springs Lake to see the results of the cumbungi control done in January 2018.

We surveyed the eight sites sprayed last year. At two of the sites, eradication was 100% successful. The remaining six sites have small areas of regrowth. These have been re- treated with low toxicity biactive herbicide.

The highlight was that the largest area, which was treated by manually slashing the stems 150 mm below the water surface in January and March, resulted in 100% eradication.

We will survey all sites again in in January 2020.

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