Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

biotoxin 2019Biotoxin update

A biotoxin update relating to elevated levels of paralytic shellfish toxins in bivalve shellfish and rock lobster research samples in Mercury Passage on the East Coast is now available on our website. Read the full update.

There is also a current Public Health alert warning not to eat recreationally harvested wild shellfish from the Mercury Passage and Spring Bay regions. Wild shellfish includes: oysters, mussels, clams, pipis, cockles and wedge shells. Seafood in shops and restaurants is safe to eat.


 biotoxin 2019

Become a Fishcare volunteer

Why not become a Fishcare volunteer? It's a great way to do your bit for sustainable fishing in Tasmania.

What volunteers do:

· Run exhibits at outdoor and regional shows, AgFest and Liawenee weekend;

· Run fishing clinics for juniors and pass on practical fishing tips;

· Maintain local fishing signs and rulers.

Fishcare operates in all regions of the State. We particularly need new volunteers in the following areas: St Helens, Triabunna, Smithton, Port Sorell, Tasman Peninsula and Dover. Training sessions for new volunteers are being held soon.

Want to know more? Ring the Fishcare Coordinator on 6165 3039, visit our website or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

fisheries 2019Get into fishing!

Sunday 20 October is national Gone Fishing Day. Time to get out on the water with family and friends to celebrate all that's great about fishing in Tassie! It doesn't matter if you haven't fished before - join in one of the free events below

camden damThe Inland Fisheries Service installed an information sign in the car park at Tasmania’s newest fishery, Camden Dam in the north east last week. Camden Dam is situated approx. 10 km south of Targa via Camden Hills Rd and East Diddleum Road. There is one designated public access point and car park on the eastern side of the dam.

Anglers should be aware that there are numerous hazards around and in the dam such as floating debris and tripping hazards. Foot access is permitted around much of the lake however the dam structure, spillway and Camden Rivulet below the dam are strictly no access areas.

Motorised boating is not permitted however canoes and kayaks powered by manual propulsion are allowed. Kayakers should be particularly careful of submerged trees and floating debris.

pws logoPWS advise that the boom gate on Lake Augusta Rd was opened for public access as of 4th October 2019.

Vehicular access to Lake Pillans and Double and Talinah Lagoons will remain closed with a view to reopen on 1st November (approximately) subject to road inspections determining conditions are suitable for vehicular traffic.

For any further information please contact the Great Western Tiers Field Centre on 67012104



Expressions of Interest are invited for appointments to the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council (IFAC).

Established under Section 20A of the Inland Fisheries Act 1995, IFAC is the advisory body for matters relating to inland fisheries.

In broad terms, the role of IFAC is to provide strategic advice to the Minister on freshwater fisheries management and fisheries policy.

Women are encouraged to apply. The Tasmanian Government is committed to a target of 50% representation of women across Tasmanian Government boards and committees by July 2020.

For more information go to


2019 10 06 First of several caught and releasedIt's been a week since my last fishing session due to a trip to the hospital & today I was finally well enough to head off in the hunt for some wild brown trout. The weather was sitting on 17 degrees when I arrived at my destination, once in the water I knew that I would get a few trout seeing as the water temp was touching seven degrees. The water level was down by around three inches since my last visit but it still had enough depth and flow for a spin session. The Okuma Finesse ULS 6' 1-3kg trout rod couple with the Helios SX20 reel was already set up with the small Mepps #00 gold Aglia spinner and that's what I started the session with.

lake rowallan boat ramp
IFS and AAT inspect the
improved Lake Rowallan
boat ramp

In collaboration with Inland Fisheries Service (IFS), Marine and Safety Tasmania (MaST) and various local contractors, Hydro Tasmania has been working to improve our recreational infrastructure.

The latest achievement has been the boating infrastructure at Lake Rowallan. This large, gravel boat ramp is now functional across the operational range of the lake. The upgrade has realigned and widened the boat ramp, creating an even and gentle slope, with rocks placed along the right hand side to indicate the edge of ramp.

The fishing season at Lake Rowallan opened on Saturday 28 September 2019.

The camp ground area, along Mersey Forest Road, provides visitors a place to stay while on their fishing or camping holiday. This site is only suitable for self-sufficient campers.

Information about recreation sites and amenities in the North West on the Hydro Tasmania website

For further information about access and fishing go to Lake Rowallan brochure


2019 10 01 2019 10 01 Ready for releaseA light breeze and a forecast temperature had me heading off to fish another tannin water, it's one I had partly fished sometime ago but really would like to fish a lot more of it. Today was the day because that's the area I felt would fish well and give up a few wild brown trout. The water level was around the same as last time, running at a medium to low level and a good rich tannin colour with a water temp of four degrees. There's been some more snow falls in the highlands and we've also had some heavy frosts, that's why the water temperature had dropped two degrees since the last trip.

Bradys tagged fish
Please contact us with
tagged fish details

Following the release of 3,500 tagged fish into Bradys Lake during May/June this year, reports of tagged fish captured by anglers have been steadily flowing in. As of 23 September, 19 tagged fish have been captured and reported by anglers. Of these, 9 have been captured from Bradys Lake, 6 from Lake Binney and 4 from Tungatinah Lagoon. This shows a movement ‘downstream’ by the fish. As it’s still early in the season, these fish have yet to put on any notable weight.

Anglers are encouraged to report the capture of these tagged fish, noting the tag number, location captured and if possible the length and weight of the fish. All tags are a distinctive green colour and sit just below the fin on the fishes back. We are also keen to know if any of these tagged fish turn up in Bronte Lagoon.

There is no requirement to release these fish, we just want to know if you catch one, along with the tag number and location.

Report tagged fish via email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR phone 6165 3808

Click Read More for photos of the tag.


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