Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Swansea Flathead 29/1/2013

Hi Mike, took the kids and mate Bill to Swansea Monday 26th January. Caught plenty of flathead and was home at 2.30.

As usual the kids were hooking them two at a time and all I did was drive the boat, bait, unhook and clean.
A great day.

Click Read More for  Pictures

Mersey River, Weegena

Well I went and had a fish today when there were winds from the East to North East and it's some thing I knew would be a waste of time too! I have always known you never fish when there are winds from an Easterly direction. Started off from the bridge at Weegena and fished my way up stream of the Mersey River for around 800 mtrs or there about in water that was reasonably clear and very low.

Big flathead caught at Eddystone Point

A very worthy catch - sent in Mark Hayes.

Spent days in the dinghy fishing in 30m of water to get a feed of flathead and this bloke gets a 3.5kg flattie while spinning from the shore with a silver wobbler for salmon at the Duck Hole!

Science debunks myth of fish pain

The science is in - fish don't feel pain. Anglers resume your pastime. Animal-rights activists retract the propaganda. Reversing the previous popular view that fish do feel pain, a team of seven scientists conducted extensive research to determine if the nociceptor responsible for pain in humans does they same thing in fish. The first discovery was that there were very few nociceptors in fish mouths. But it was also found that the fish brain does not contain the highly developed neocortex needed to feel pain in the first place. Read the article here Science Debunks Myth of Fish Pain

Meander River 16/1/2013

I headed off to the Meander River this afternoon for a few hours spin fishing given it was nice and overcast in Sheffield and quite mild. When I arrived at the Meander the clouds started to separate and then the sun broke through and boy it had a bit of bite in it too. I already knew where I was going to fish and it was the fast water sections of the river. Still had the old Mepps Black Aglia on that I have stuck with over many trips now and it worked once again as it was fish on in the third cast into the river.

Four Springs 18/1/2013

I woke up to a drizzly overcast morning today so I quickly grabbed the fly rod and headed to Four Springs Lake along with Sasha my dog. With unchanged conditions greeting us on arrival, I soon had the boat in the water and slowly headed out looking for moving trout. After about 25 minutes looking without spotting one, I put the fly rod down and up with the spinning rod.

Anglers Angry as Burke Rushes Marine Park Lock-Outs

The Gillard Labor Government is treating recreational fishers with contempt by rushing public consultation on its marine park lock-up plans.

Coastal Catches 17/1/2013

Recently, the Advocate reported that a Butterfly Mackerel had been caught out off the mouth of the Mersey river. This fish is an uncommon catch in Tasmanian waters and continues the trend of uncommon fish turning up in our waters. If you catch an unusual fish and you are not sure what it is there is a great online resource called Redmap. Redmap, a new and interactive website, invites the Australian community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in Australia, or along particular parts of our coast. It has pictures and information on Australian fish species and if you do catch something unusual then you can report where you caught it and this in turn will assist scientists by providing them with information on changing fish distribution. Have a look at .

Woods Lake 16/1/2013

I just arrived home after a couple of enjoyable days at the Pumphouse bay camp ground at Arthurs Lake. We didn’t do a lot of fishing, but as Monday's weather was calm, Virginia and I decided to take the fly rod over the hill to Woods Lake for a couple of hours.
I am glad we did.

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