Trout and Fly in Tasmania

by R.H. Wigram

The original is a rare and collectable classic. Trout and Fly in Tasmania was published in 1938 during the war years and at this time quality paper was not available.

Corbie moths at dusk - testing time for fly fishing

by Tony Ritchie

Corbie moth time is at hand, and anglers on lowland rivers throughout much of Tasmania can expect to see some of the buzzing about over and on the water during the last light of late summer days suitably fine, calm and warm.

Fly fishing for Flathead with your trout gear

Solitude can be compete when wading a peaceful sand or mud flat, gently fishing through gutters, around weed beds and along coloured water lines. Doing it with fly tackle makes the outing all the more enjoyable, and just as productive!

Jan's Flies - Early Bird flies to try

by Jan Spencer

This time of the year is always an exciting time for me as it is for many anglers. There is great anticipation with the coming trout fishing season. Hopefully it will be one to look back on with great hatches and many fish landed.

Jan's Flies - Fly Tying

by Jan Spencer

Even though we are only into early Autumn the weather has been just lovely. At this settled time of the year the nights are cooler and the days are just beautiful. There is some superb fishing to be had both on the lakes and the lowland rivers.

Summer mayfly fishing in the Highlands

Jim Allen inspects one of his favourite Mayfly patterns - an emerging dun

Jim Allen, owner of the Compleat Angler chain of stories, is one of Australia's keenest anglers. Jim leaves Victoria every November and spends several months each year at his shack on Great Lake. Jim is a common sight all over the highlands in his little white Suzuki or fishing madly, either from the shore or his Savage Jabiru tinny. Fly fishing during the mayfly "˜Dun"hatches are one of his favourite times and in a recent interview with Mike Stevens he reveals some of his secrets.

A fly fishers guide to the trout fishing season

by Barry Hickman

"˜Knowledge is power"so the saying goes. In this article, Barry Hickman shares his knowledge of trout fishing season and what to expect, what flies are needed and when to use them.

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