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Penstock Lagoon

Public meeting announced to discuss boating regulations at Penstock Lagoon
Exclusive use of electric outboard motors whilst fishing at Penstock Lagoon has been proposed to help protect the fishery public meeting will be held on Saturday 4 February at 6 pm at the Miena Community Centre to discuss a proposed change to the use of electric outboard motors only whilst boating at Penstock Lagoon. All interested anglers are welcome to attend.

The Penstock 25/12/2011

A few days before Xmas I spent several most enjoyable days at the Penstock, mainly by myself,and as such had the luxury of deciding where and when to fish.
As we all know fishing at the “P” can either be full on or full off, there are days however when it is sometimes in between. Over the week I struck it all. Bright sky and windy being the main order of the day.

Penstock and Howes Bay 

Couple of fish photos of catches over the Xmas New Year break. Fine Penstock brown 4lb caught a foot of the edge by a floating brown possum tail nymph, the take was barely perceptible. Just shows you mustn’t wade right in before testing what’s there. The two little rainbows came from Howes Bay Lagoon. They also took the floating nymph which is fast becoming the only fly I tie and use. They fought really well and had small heads and fat bodies. Smoked up really well. Had a great day at Carters yesterday, warm, slight breeze ,blue sky, water crystal clear and the fish were cruising. Hooked into 6 the biggest was around 4-5 lb a big buck the smallest around 2.5lb all caught again on the floating possum tail nymph. Polaroided some, fished up the others, all were released. Highland gold day.

Tight lines and smelly bags


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Penstock Lagoon a stocking success

Inland Fisheries Service
Long touted as the jewel in the crown of Highland fisheries, Penstock Lagoon has been a consistent high quality fishery since 2000. Although only fly fishing is permitted, it has been ranked in the top 10 lake fisheries on an annual basis for the State since the 1999/2000 season, in terms of angler visitation. Given that it is a small water body and that only those fly fishing can fish there it is an extremely popular fishery. During the 2008/2009 season Penstock sustained a very high angler effort which was in part due to low lake levels and less than ideal conditions at a number of other popular fisheries such as Arthurs Lake. Despite this, the fishery has consistently produced good size and conditioned fish at reasonable catch rates.

Penstock Lagoon

Joe Riley

Since the creation of Penstock Lagoon in the early 20th Century to hold water for the Waddamana Power Scheme, Penstock has build a strong and lasting reputation as a challenging and rewarding fishery for both Brown and Rainbow trout. With a dun hatch that was regarded as one of the finest anywhere, polaroiding on bright days for large browns sipping black spinners and trout foraging the shallows for damsel fly and mudeye larvae the lagoon has always offered exciting opportunities for the persistent and observant angler to catch with quality fish.

Penstock Lagoon Assessment

Penstock Lagoon is a relatively small shallow water with a surface area of 1.4 square kms and maximum depth of 1.8 metres. The lagoon has over a number of years, been subject to significant alterations in water management.

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