During the trout off-season I tend to spend a bit of time chasing bream, to continue getting a fishing fix, and spend time tying flies and dreaming about the trout season to come. It’s a time to spend doing tackle maintenance, stocking up on lures and dreaming up new challenges and goals for the trout season ahead. When the new season comes around I usually spend the first few months targeting sea runners. Sea run trout are simply brown trout that spend much of there lives out to sea and come in to the estuaries for spawning and to feed on whitebait and the other small endemic fishes that spawn in late winter through spring. Mixed in with the silvery sea runners you can also expect to catch resident fish that have the typical dark colours of a normal brown trout as well as atlantic salmon in some of our estuaries that are located near salmon farm pens. Living in Hobart it is quick and easy to do a trip on the Huon or Derwent and is a more comfortable proposition compared to a trip up to the highlands with snow and freezing winds to contend with.
Read more ...There are a lot of anglers from the Burnie area looking forward to this weekend as it is the Burnie Show holiday on Friday and many use it as a start of their fishing up in the highlands. The weather can be changeable but it is generally when things start to get a bit warmer and Trout fishing starts to fire.
The road from Lake Augusta to the nineteen lagoons area is now open so there is easy access to the area. It’s one of the premium Trout fishing locations in the state and I expect there will be a few folk from Burnie there on Friday. The IFS have advised that to road is better condition than the past few years and they have requested that anglers stick to the speed limit to keep the road in good condition.
Some of the weather that we are getting lately is almost unbelievable with relatively calm days and very little rain. It seems there are a lot of anglers taking advantage of the conditions and wetting a line.
I was down at Sisters Beach on Sunday and the target for the morning was Calamari Squid. We got onto a few good ones and I have been experimenting with a method that I was told about a while ago and it has been fairly successful. It basically involves hanging a squid jig under a polystyrene float and using a small silicone rubber float stopper to set the depth. The advantage of this is you can set the depth so your squid jig is just above the bottom which leaves it in the strike zone and it also results in less jigs being lost. It worked for us and it is a method I will persevere with.
The next two weeks are the last hurrah for the Brown Trout season and many anglers organise a “last trip” of the season in this time. The Great Lake is well worth a try as there has been some really nice fish caught recently. The Great Lake has plenty of Rainbow Trout and if you are lucky enough to catch one, they normally put on a spectacular show leaping out of the water in their quest to escape. Swan Bay is a good spot in the evening if you strip a large wet fly or a dark spinner.
There has been some fantastic fishing around the traps over the last week. Last Friday we got word that there were some more Bluefin Tuna caught out off Strahan. Sunday was looking good so I got a crew together and headed down the West Coast. We were not disappointed. The weather was good and before long we had a Bluefin on board. We looked for birds working as they are usually a good indicator of where the fish are. The big surprise for the day was an Albacore Tuna over 20 kg. We finished with three Bluefin and one Albacore.
The weather was very unkind to those fishing in the Pirtek Fishing Challenge last Sunday and conditions were nothing short of atrocious. The results will be announced on Saturday and we are all hoping that anglers from the North West Coast are among the prizes.
There is some good news coming out of the Eaglehawk Neck area because there were a few Bluefin caught last weekend including a 127kg Jumbo sized one. Everyone has their fingers crossed that it is going to be a good season and there will be plenty of fish about.
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing - tasfish.com
Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. The number in Brackets, eg (13) is the number of articles. Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area.
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Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website tasfish.com since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( www.rwtt.com.au ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via www.rwtt.com.au/contact-me/ for further information - Stephen Smith.
Presented from Issue 105, August 2013
Bob is a professional fishing guide and guides for trout and estuary species. Check him out at www.fishwildtasmania.com
There are several things we look for in our early season trout waters. It is still winter and cold, so some of the things to consider are: Altitude as this dictates the water temperature and therefore feeding activity. Food for the fish. Availability of trout food is generally dictated by the quantity and quality of weed beds.
Quantity of fish.
Three waters which I believe fit all three requirements are:
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