Presented from Issue 105, August 2013
Bob is a professional fishing guide and guides for trout and estuary species. Check him out at
There are several things we look for in our early season trout waters. It is still winter and cold, so some of the things to consider are: Altitude as this dictates the water temperature and therefore feeding activity. Food for the fish. Availability of trout food is generally dictated by the quantity and quality of weed beds.
Quantity of fish.
Three waters which I believe fit all three requirements are:
Read more ...Gutted! What a day we have had. The competition is over and the results are in. Spain has won the gold, USA the silver and Bosnia the Broze. I can't remember the last time the Czechs, French and Italians all missed out on a medal. It tells you something about the draw and the fishing. That is not to take anything away from those who did well, but you can't catch what is not in front of you.
Individually, a Polish competitor has won, someone from Montenegro was second and USA third. Again, none of the favoured countries in the top three. Amazing.
Enough about them and more about us!
Written prior to official results being released
Today was the middle day of competition and only one session was held. Tomorrow we have two sessions to finish the competition.
Luke fished the lake and as always, there were very few fish caught. Those that were landed were on differing techniques and lines. Unfortunately, Luke did not manage a fish. He is someone who I regard as possibly our best lake angler. That means we have blanked all thee of the lake sessions so far. Mick is fishing it first thing in the morning and then I have the privilege of trying to catch one out of it in the last session. Luke's boat partner did not even see a fish either.
Mick drew the lowest beat in the Verbas River. That means it is by far the worst beat in the river and he did not see a fish at stage throughout his session. I don't think a fish has come off this beat during the entire comp to date. Although he goes to the lake in the morning, he will then get to finish on the highest producing river of the comp, the Sanica.
It is great that you are publishing Christopher Bassano's reports from the World Fly-fishing Competition in Bosnia.
If you read the interim results you will see that he is leading the competition after the first and second sessions. Although he does admit he had good beats, he still has to catch the fish! See the link below:
Kind regards,
Euan Leckie
The first day's competition is over and the results have been mixed. As we suspected, the beats have played a huge part in success and failure. For us, the draw has not been kind. Many countries can say the same thing.
It is rare to see the Czechs so far down the list even if it is after only one day, no matter what, I still expect them to be right up there at the end. The French have blanked some river beats and that is almost unthinkable. You can't catch what is not in front of you. Doing a a beat analysis, it appears as though the Aussie boys are fishing well in spite of what the scorecards say. We have had some terrible, terrible beats and have caught fish where others have not. I have been the lucky one so far as I have had two good beats. Someone has to be lucky and that is me. This competition is a classic "chocolates to boiled lollies" comp and we are all only one session away from a blank. I have fished the two best locations first and have the two worst on the final day. The lake continues to be a pain in the backside as very few fish are coming off it. It is basically a "save the blank if you can" session. What all of this means is that team and individual placing at this point mean nothing as anyone at any stage can blank and as long you have not fished the lake, the results do not accurately reflect the situation.
Now before anyone starts asking where report number three is, let me explain. We have been very, very busy and each day I have been writing a report. For the past ten days, I have written about the day's activities but at no time was I up to date. I would almost finish before something came up and I would then get back to it the following day.
We are all together now and enjoying Bosnia but getting here was not quite as easy as we had hoped. Where do I start? Fortunately, I made it across a busy airport to get my last flight in Paris but my bag did not. Arriving in Zagreb, I had that sick feeling you get when you realise everyone has left the terminal, the carousel has stopped and no matter how long you stare at the plastic flaps, your bag is not coming out! The ladies in the "bag office" were lovely although there were a lot of them! Lost bags are clearly quite common in this part of the world.
Report One
Thank you all for your contributions towards getting this team to Bosnia and the world fly fishing championships, 2015. All of those receiving this email have helped in some way to enable us (as self-funded fishermen) to have this opportunity. Again, thank you!
In Norway, two years ago, I wrote a regular report on all things fishing and social from the campaign and I will endeavour to do the same this year. For those who did not get those reports, please note that my spelling at times can be terrible and with "word recognition" working on my iPad, there may be occasions when you have no idea what I am trying to say. I do not have the time to read over what I have written so please excuse all of these mistakes. You will just have to take it as it comes. As you will see, I clearly have been lucky to work with very good magazine editors when my writing has gone to print!
If at any stage you have some questions or want to know more about anything in particular, please email me and I will get around to answering. Many people had questions about the gear we were using in Norway so I will try to add this into the text where appropriate.
Read more: World Fly Fishing Championships, Bosnia, 2015 Report One
The 150th Trout Anniversary Photo Competition Celebratory dinner and awards were held at the Central Highlands Lodge on Saturday 18th of April with a full house, a great night and 36 of the images from the finalists across the six categories mounted and displayed at the event.
With national fishing guru Steve Starling as M.C., special guests - Mr Michael Youl (great- grandson of James Youl, credited with bringing the first trout & salmon to Tasmania), John Diggle (head of Inland Fisheries) and judges from Japan (Ken Tsurusaki), Victoria (Bob Grieve of Ifish fame) and Tasmania (Brad Harris, FlyLife) it was a great event. For the second year running, Daniel and Simone Hackett of RiverFly 1864 will again be hosting their FlyFest weekend. All skill levels are welcome to come along for the activities.
This year’s weekend of events includes the IF4 International Fly Fishing Film festival, hosted by April Vokey, along with a fibreglass rod building day with Epic Fly Rod designer and Master Casting Instructor Carl McNeil on the afternoon of Saturday 9th. Carl is also the presenter of the brilliant ‘Casts that Catch Fish’ dvd.
A free casting session will also be held at Josef Chromy Winery where the general public can come and try the newest rods from Sage, Scott, Orvis and Epic, and join-in on an interactive glass-rod casting session with Carl McNeil.
TV personality and writer Steve Starling to host 150 Years of Trout Photo Competition celebratory dinner in Miena.
Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania along with major sponsor Huon Aquaculture are pleased to announce that angling personality Steve Starling will MC the dinner presentation night at the Central Highland Lodge in Miena - Saturday 18th April.
Read more: 150 Years of Trout Photo Competition Celebratory Dinner
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When you have finished for the day, why not have a brag about the ones that didn't get away! Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Have fun fishing -
Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. The number in Brackets, eg (13) is the number of articles. Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My name is Stephen Smith and I have been managing the website since May 2009.
It has been an epic journey of learning and discovery and I am indebted to Mike Stevens for his help, support and patience.
I am developing a new venture Rubicon Web and Technology Training ( ). The focus is two part, to develop websites for individuals and small business and to train people to effectively use technology in their everyday lives.
Please contact me via for further information - Stephen Smith.
Christopher Bassano
Fishing guide Christopher Bassano explores his favourite fishing-and shares a few tips that will help you discover the world of trout near the sea.