150 Years of Trout Photo Competition Celebratory Dinner

TV personality and writer Steve Starling to host 150 Years of Trout Photo Competition celebratory dinner in Miena.
Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania along with major sponsor Huon Aquaculture are pleased to announce that angling personality Steve Starling will MC the dinner presentation night at the Central Highland Lodge in Miena - Saturday 18th April.


The photo competition which closed 31 March features an internationally renowned judge from Japan, professional photographer Ken Tsurusaki as well as Australian professional photographer Brad Harris from FlyLife magazine and Bob Grieves Producer of iFish and the recent one hour special on “150 Years of Trout Fishing in Tasmania”

The night promises to be an entertaining evening with the awards, door prizes, a raffle, auctions and “fish stories – some true”.
The shortlisted photos will be on display at the lodge.
There is more than $10,000 in prizes.
Dinner cost is $50 per head.
Dinner bookings can be made at the Central Highlands Lodge 6259 8179
Additional details are on the website http://www.150yrsoftastrout.com.au/

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