Summer Backpacking

by Greg French

The onset of summer is an appropriate time to talk about backpacking. I spend a big proportion of myfishing time backpacking and, with the exception of some very remote south-western rivers, I have fished just about every water in Tasmania.

Squid on fly

by Rob Paxevanos.

Bushy is still after that elusive wild ten-pound trout on fly. Harrison and Cooper have been in front of the pack catching makos on the long wand. The lads from A River Somewhere have been chasing bonefish in trendy places.

Nymphing Maniac

by Neil Grose

There are probably more trout caught nymphing than with any other method during the trout season. But what exactly is meant by nymphing? What are the patterns associated with this method, and what are the best ways to fish them?

Fly Fishing in the Tamar Estuary

by Steve Suitor

Fly fishing in the Tamar Estuary presents a wide variety of species for the angler prepared to explore and experiment.

Each of these different species requires a different technique, a different location and, importantly, a different state of the tide for best results.

Ikijimi method of killing fish

Once you have caught your fish it is most important that you handle and care for it correctly to ensure that it does not deteriorate to the point it is wasted. Deterioration occurs both through chemical and bacterial processes. Depending on the time taken and subsequent treatment of catch this will affect the taste and texture of meat.

Fly Casting - Plane and Stance

by Peter Hayes

Casting Plane
Most beginner and intermediate casters do all of their casting with the rod tilted at an angle away from their body. I guess they're scared of being punctured by the fly and whipped by the line. They erroneously believe this angle will keep the fly and line away from them.

West Coast sea trout

by Greg French

It is that time of year again - sea trout time! Sea trout are simply brown trout which spend time in the ocean. In spring they follow huge schools of whitebait into the estuaries and lower freshwater reaches of most of the state's rivers and creeks.

Springtime Fishing at Meadowbank Lake 

by Greg French

For the last few years the Inland Fisheries Commission has overseen the release of Atlantic salmon into Meadowbank Lake. These fish are surplus brood stock supplied free of charge by Saltas and they typically weigh 4.5 - 8 kg when liberated.

Boat handling basics

This is the first in a series of the Boat Handing Series and it outlines the basic ideas which you will use in operations described in the other brochures in this series.

The trout season just past has been one of continual change and innovation. New techniques and tackle from overseas, as well as different attitudes to fly dressing and presenting those flies have given progressive anglers much to digest over the closed season. While the cold and wet is with us, it is worthwhile contemplating just how some of these revelations can be applied to our trout fishing.

Trolling for trout

Does line diameter matter?

One of the most significant factors in trolling success for trout in the thickness of your line, claims lure manufacturer Greg "Lofty" Hayes.

"Last season I introduced a fine diameter high breaking strain line to the market, mainly because I was not happy with the lines on the market, mainly because I was not happy with the lines that were generally available.

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