6 Arthurs Lake
This is Tasmania's premium stillwater trout fishery. Open from August until May it is open to all trout angling methods including bait, lure and fly fishing.
Access is easy and Arthurs is situated about one hour from Launceston and about 1½ from Devonport and Hobart.
There are three good boat ramps at Jonah Bay, Pumphouse Bay and the Dam wall. As the level only varies a couple of metres all ramps are usually easily used.
Arthurs only contains brown trout and the average weight would be a little under one kilogram. Fish to two kilograms are often caught and bigger specimens to five kilograms feature annually.
Trolling is popular and any local tackle store will advise on the best lures to use. Tassie Devils and other brands of cobra style lures are favoured, but other lures can be worth a try. The eastern side of the lake, generally known as the "Sand Lake" is the most popular area for trollers, whilst the western side is known as "Blue Lake". This is because prior to the dam being built in 1965 it was two separate lakes.
Fly fishers fish mostly the northern end of the lake with Hydro Bay, Cowpaddock Bay, Jonah Bay, Fleming Bay all popular. Good dun hatches are found from December until February and gum beetle and ant falls can also bring plenty of fish to the top. If fish aren't rising wet fly fishing can bring excellent results.
Bait fishers should take heart as this water produces very good catches. One of the best baits is the mudeye fished under a bubble float. This can be from the shore or a boat. Mudeyes can usually be bought from tackle stores and anglers should be reminded that under quarantine laws they must not be brought into the state.
Arthurs Lake has two formal camping areas at Jonah Bay and Pumphouse Bay.