Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Pioneer Lake 4/8/2012

On the 4th of August I walked down to the Pioneer Lake at 6.20am. When i got there it was raining so I got ready and waited for the wind to calm down a bit then i made my first cast it blew back in with in 3 minutes but I didn't give up.

Lake Leake Report 13/8/2012

Samuel Evans - Kalangadoo/Tasmania
My brother and I went for a fish down the lake, I was fishing off a log and I landed these 2 rainbow trout, the 1st one was 31cm & the 2nd one was 34cm. The trout were in good condition. They were my 1st trout for the season. I hope to catch a few more! (But just a bit bigger)

Connor Evans

Curries River Dam Report 12/8/2012

Looks like I am doing the report as Dale has handpassed it on to me! We fished Curries River Dam this arvo with Dale, Trev, & Bailey. We met up with them onsite around lunchtime. It was the first time here for me, but Dale has fished it a few times about 15 years ago and got some nice fish out of it on the fly.

Dear Sid Sidebottom

Dear Sid,
I Urge you along with other Federal House of Parliament Members  to listen to the ABC Interview on the Super trawler debate.

There are some extremely important points made here especially on the European Union Subsidies available to the Trawler.

Some very important points are that Seafish Tasmania is setting up a new company “Seafish Tasmania Pelagics” and that is a joint venture with the Dutch owned Company that owns the Super Trawler. (Most of it)

Letter to Hon. Dick Adams MHR

Dear Dick,

As you would be well aware, the Super Trawler issue is a concern to many Tasmanians.

Your office has received numerous emails from myself and no doubt many others on this matter.

In email correspondence from your office dated 2nd July 2012, your office stated.

  “I am actually preparing a paper to counter the comments in the press which are scientifically wrong – and has also led to the Minister being misled too on these marine parks which will do bugger all in conserving fish stocks!”  

Rally Pictures 11/8/2012

Here are some photos from todays rally on the Derwent River. Certainly a very good turn out (just how many boats it would be hard to hazard a guess, but in the hundreds) with every vessel you could imagine - kayaks, 12 footers, game boats, large cruisers, commercial tourist operators, commercial fishers you name it they were there - indicating the widespread concern and impact across so many in the community. Lots of resounding support from passing road traffic beeping their horns and heaps of spectators lining the banks of the river. Film crews on boats and even a sea plane filming and taking photos as well. The last part of the rally in and around the docks area was great with a huge amount of boats and banners right up close and personal in the centre of Hobart for all to see - it did get pretty tight in there at times with all the boat traffic!!!  Well done to everyone involved and the way it all came together was simply fantastic i thought.

Penstock Lagoon 12/8/2012

Some photos of our two and a half hour trip at Penstock today.
Cheers Craig

Cramps Bay Report 11/8/2012

I headed up to Cramps Bay (Great Lake), with my boy Jared this morning.
Left home around 6am and was on the water & fishing by around 7.15ish.
Using Yep black n gold flappers we landed 7 trout, most being browns with the exception of a lone rainbow.
We fished on along the western shore using 1/8th jig heads in around 1.5 to 2 metres of water. Retrieves were very slow,... keeping the plastic along the bottom for as long as possible.
Not much snow left up there at the moment and fish (when cleaned), were extremely pink in colour.
Regards, Mark.

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