Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Venue - Campbelltown Hall
Time - 1pm
Date - Sunday   2nd September 2012

Hi Mike,
On behalf the organisers of the above venue, we would sincerely like to apologise for this forum taking place on Father’s day.
We realise this is a special family day but hope your readers would understand that with the FV Margiris due  in Devonport anytime now, we need to get answers from those responsible  ASAP as time is fast running out in regards to the approval process for this vessel.
For us, (because it is Fathers day) we expect that attending numbers will be significantly lower than they normally would, but that said, we hope that this issue is important enough for many people to still decide to come along and support Tasmanian recreational fishers efforts to stop this boat.
We invite your readership to please watch this space in regards to our proposed forum as we wait on the replies from those that have been invited to speak.
If anything changes in regards to the organisation or even cancellation of this event we will let you know as soon as possible.
We thank you for your support.
Kind Regards,
Todd Lambert

Brushy / Four Springs 22/8/2012

Hi everyone, Trev had a student free day today so no work for me either. Todd assured us we would catch fish At Brushy lagoon after a recent stocking of atlantics. We all met at the boat ramp around 8.30am and were joined by Reg Travers who is currently camping there. A quick coffee and we were ready to hook in!

Brushy Lagoon 22/8/2012

After an early start at Brushy and fish caught we never saw another. We caught 3 fish in all 4,5 and 6 pound. Hopefully another President will go get some as there are plenty more there for the taking. The trick is catching them.
We may give it another go next week just for a change.
Regards Rose and Vic

Click Read More for more pictures

Lake Leak Report 21/8/2012

Connor and I went for a fish at the lake, we went up around the bay a bit and I flicked a “Yep” Rainbow Ripper minnow around. While Connor was using a squidgy bug, but no luck. We decided to head back to the Kalangadoo Bay Boat ramp, and changed my lure to a metal rainbow lure. I had around about 5 casts, casted let it sink, and I hooked this nice little rainbow! It was my first trout for the season, it wasn’t a monster, but still, I can’t complain!!  Was in good condition and nice and fat! It was 31cm and around about 1lb.
Samuel Evans – Lake Leake

Four Springs 21/8/2012

Fished Four Springs again got  there at about 9.00am to not much wind. Just enough to move the boat. Did a couple of drift for not even a touch. Then we drifted towards the trees out in the deep and it started.
Vic and I both caught fish in a short time, because then we cast for ages for nothing, just when we thought it was all done it started again. We ended up with our bag and put back 3 or 4.

Conference highlights rec fishing importance

21 Aug 2012 - By Jim Harnwell
THE importance of recreational fishing to the Australian economy, as well as the role anglers can play as "stewards" of marine and freshwater environments, were among the issues discussed at the National Recreational Fishing Conference, held on the Gold Coast on the weekend.
Read the complete story here

Penstock Lagoon 18/8/2012

We headed up to Penstock for the weekend and was joined by Ross Frankcombe and arrived there on Friday around 10.15am. After a quick unpack, we were on the water fishing at noon. A light north easterly wind posed little problems and Ross hooked (and lost) a nice fish, five minutes into our first drift. We managed two for this session before the wind dropped out, along with any further interest from the fish.

Greens Table Petition
Strong Community Support For Sustainable Fishing

Kim Booth MP
Greens Primary Industries Spokesperson

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Tasmanian Greens today tabled the  first in a batch of petitions in State Parliament, containing signatures from 3364 Tasmanians opposed to the super trawler FV Margiris fishing in Australian waters.

Greens Primary Industries spokesperson Kim Booth MP thanked everyone who took the time to add their voice, and called on the Labor and Liberal parties to heed the message.

Pioneer Lake 20/8/2012

On the 20th of August I woke up at 6:45am and realised that I had slept in for 20 minutes so I grabbed my gear and rushed over to the Pioneer Lake and set my rods out, I used 2 floats, both weighted with a red hook and a worm on each, 45 minutes later I saw my float start moving then it bobbed up and down then it took off across the surface then is stopped and went back under again.

Curries River Reservoir 19/8/2012

I met up with Dale "Unit" Howard and his son Trevor at their house around 8.30ish this morning and had my son Jacob with me and after Dale picked Bailey Zanetto up on the way, we headed for Curries River Reservoir.
Upon arrival around 9.30, we observed that fellow President Warwick Medwin and his mate were already on the water fishing. We spoke to a couple of guys just getting off the water, they had a small rainbow of around a pound and a couple of browns that were a bit “underdone weight- wise”, but would still weigh in around three and a half pounds.

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