Please check all relevant authorities before fishing - and . Don't forget for years of back issues !

Recreational Fishery Closures - East Coast

Part of the east coast of Tasmania has been closed to recreational rock lobster and abalone fishing from midnight, Thursday 22 November 2012.  The affected area is from Eddystone Point in the north to Marion Bay in the south (see map below).

Coastal Catches 23/11/2012.

I had another trip out off Burnie (Behind the green tree) on Sunday with a mate and we found some good Flathead in about 40m of water. There were plenty of them and were some very big ones in the mix. We are so lucky to have quality fish to catch on our doorstep. I am sure the same could be done all along the coast. It’s just a matter of figuring out where the fish are.

Arthurs Lake and Great Lake

We had a trip to the highlands on Saturday arvo and fished Great Lake. Sunday saw us at Arthurs Lake with my old fishing mate Roundy... Below is the wrap up of the weekend. We arrived on Great Lake around lunch time, conditions weren’t too bad when we arrived but deteriated as the afternoon went on, it got very cold and windy. We stuck it out for a couple of hours for one brown caught by Roundy around the 3lb mark and a couple of misses on the softies.


Scamander River Report 17/11/2012

The Longford Fishing Club held a bream fishing competition on the Scamander River today. Johnny Dekkers is a member and invited Jacob and I to tag along. Although we are not members (and therefore not eligible for entry into the competition side of things), we decided we would still go along as a bit of company for John and do our own thing. Mike Stevens also found himself a late minute inclusion.


Coastal Catches 15/11/2012

Lake Kara has been a popular destination over the last week as the Inland Fisheries service released 540 Atlantic salmon. Lake Rosebery also received 540. The Salmon were donated by Springfield fisheries and I am sure that the many anglers who take the opportunity to catch these fish would like to thank them. The bag limit on both lakes has not been reduced however the IFS is urging anglers to limit their catch so that everyone can have a share of these fish.

Honda Powers River To Reef Around Australia

The new season of popular television fishing show River To Reef is in full swing around Australia, powered all the way by Honda. Airing on ONE (regional areas) and on Foxtel's Aurora Channel, this series takes viewers to locations around Australia and New Zealand in search of some of the most popular fish species.
Click here to download the press release.

Tasmanian Bream Classic

The entry form can be downloaded here

Van Diemans Fly Fishers Club

The Van Diemans Fly Fishers Club held its Annual Outing on Arthurs Lake Saturday 10th November with eight boats fishing and two anglers teamed together in each boat from a draw at the last meeting. Fishing time was from 6am till 12 midday, the morning was reasonable conditions with a breeze, bit of cloud here and there and of cause a bit of sun.

Latest News from the IFS 9/11/2012


Here are some of the latest news stories from the IFS. To see the full story click your mouse over the title. There have been a number of stockings over the last month, go to the stocking data base to see details.
Compliance activity on the northern Tasmania long weekend

On the weekend of the 3rd to 5th of November IFS compliance team and Tasmania conducted patrols of the Central Plateau to coincide with the long weekend in northern Tasmania. Throughout the three days...

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